8 years, 4 months ago.

Site is so hard to Use, all I want to do is find an easy solution to use IHM07M1 board w Nucleo f302

This site is so confusing along with the hundreds of similar pages that scratch at the surface with no guide to follow along step by step on how to use. Im looking for a step by step tutorial of how to use The motor control kit.

As of right now, I have both boards, motor connected. I have the ST motor control workbench, STM32cubeMX, IAR embedded workbench installed on my computer,. I have tried to compile online, as well as using these programs, if its a supported board why is there no step by step instructions that are easy to use and follow. every program I use wants a different file type, ive tried importing different files, and then something else goes wrong.

Please help, purchased both boards separately so no Motor control software exists on the f302

2 Answers

8 years, 4 months ago.

There is a lot of useful stuff on Mbed and quite a bit of not so useful. It is a case of trawling through things to find what you want. Some devices have good well documented libraries, others only the minimum code and some nothing. It does depend if someone has needed to use the device in the first place and then share the code. I think you may find some help with what you are looking for here to get started. Many times its just a case of modifying the code to suit a variation of a particular device you are using. I would imagine that your particular application board will be added at some stage when the ST guys can find time to do it.




8 years ago.

This answer is late, but I too am having problems compiling code for this brushless motor control board. It almost seems like there are no resources for it at all. I'm trying to modify the motor parameters for use with a different motor than the one it came with, but I have to modify a file, recompile, and flash the MCU, which seems to be very difficult. I haven't gotten an answer yet.

As for your problem, this might not help, but you should easily be able to flash the original firmware for the IHM07M1 board. If you download the source code (I believe it's the ST32CubeMX you reference), they have the precompiled binary in one of the folders. Just drag and drop that into flash drive that pops up when you connect the Nucleo board. It should program the board from there. If that doesn't work, try the STLink program to flash it.