8 years, 9 months ago.

To GR-Peach developers - webcam, change detection, pattern and ble app requests

The WebCamera, MATLAB application now does the change detection. A BLE Bluetooth Beacon can be added to broadcast ads of information when a change is detected.


One can add CNN ( convolutional neural network ) or neural networks with feedback (learning) to recognize patterns or logos, trademarks or other static patterns -

If you are working on GR-Peach webcam and other interesting interfaces like BLE Bluetooth we would love to hear from you. We are putting together a contest idea for these types of designs. One goal can be reference design for industrial, consumer and commercial uses.

Of course the large fast SoC 10MByte RAM memory can be used to capture and compare WVGA 800X480 pixels to determine motion. It can also be used to download short video or BLE Bluetooth content.

Phase 1 As a start perhaps you could do a movie clip of downloading the webcam application and running it as no extra code is needed this would be a great tutorial for new members. Please let me know of any interest, thank you.

Phase 2 Now that you have the camera running you can store two frames in RAM. They can be 30 seconds apart. Next compare the two frames via XOR operation at the pixel bit level - if all results are Zero the frames are the same or camera is down. If they are different the you have detected motion either of the camera or its field of view. A movie clip of downloading the webcam application and adding then running this simple code this would be a great tutorial for new members. Please let me know of any interest, thank you.

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