8 years, 6 months ago.

Where can we download the mbed_error.h file?

im trying to build an arduino cellphone with the SmartGPU2 and the files I downloaded from the site were missing a lot of files we found a lot of them but we cant find this one my project is due in 3 weeks and if I cant get it running I will fail this class its a pass or fail type deal. please any help I would be extremely thankful as im running into a lot of dead ends.

Question relating to:

now its asking for the mbed_interface.h file

posted by brandon hotard 21 Jan 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 6 months ago.

Found this through a google search:


Accepted Answer

now its asking for the mbed_interface.h file

posted by brandon hotard 21 Jan 2016