9 years, 5 months ago.

Anyone succeed FOTA with this library?

I am using nrf 51822 mkit, I compiled FOTA4 as a platfform 'nrf 51822'.

Then I copy into mbed drive which is connected with nrf 51822.

I found the image name "FOTA4r6m" on the Master Control Pannel android app.

I clicked DFU service button and send data "application(0x04)".

However it never turns to "dfuTarg" image name.

The log just shows me "GATT ERROR (or otherwise Error: 133)"

Anyone success with this project "FOTA4"?

please help me,

Thank you in advance,


Question relating to:

This is a modified "BLE_Default_App". It doesn't use retargetStdout() which allows it to work with online Libs available on 20150123 (nRF51822, BLE_API) BLE, BLE_Default_APP, nRF51822
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