9 years, 5 months ago.

Servo only move 90 deg

Hi Simon

I have tested the servotest program, but it only move 90deg with value 0.0 - 1.0

I have also try to use -1.0 - 1.0... but seems to ignore values <0

can you help me :-)

Best regards


Question relating to:

Example to sweep a servo through its range helloworld, PwmOut, Servo

Do you have some way of examining the PWM waveform that is controlling the servo?

posted by Stephen Paulger 29 Jul 2015

Yes! period= 20ms pulswidth 0.0= 1ms, 0.5= 1,5ms 1,0= 2ms

posted by Tue Myren 29 Jul 2015

It may be because the PWM output is only 3,3v?? But movement is not random, but always 0 - 90deg, so it seems it is not the problem

posted by Tue Myren 29 Jul 2015

Funny... I found this video... only moving 90deg ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OXCMLXBIdE

posted by Tue Myren 29 Jul 2015

you probably need to do the following


Check Servo.h and Servo.cpp in Simon's api page


Regards Martin

PS default is mid range 45degs +/- would give 90 degs over all

posted by Martin Simpson 29 Jul 2015

Hi Martin I dont think you are right... a servo move 180deg. http://www.mitchr.me/SS/batteriesRequired/RCcontrolTheory/ I will try the calibrate method! Regards


posted by Tue Myren 29 Jul 2015

Your servo may be Capable of moving 180degs but you have to calibrate

servo.h Defaults to 1.5ms mid range */- 0.5ms or a range of 1.0 to 2.0ms and that is translated as +/-45 or 90degs

posted by Martin Simpson 29 Jul 2015

Hmm... i tried something like this, but it still ignore 180deg... so I doubt the library can move the servo 180deg

myservo.calibrate(0.0005, 180.0);

while(1) { myservo.position(0.0); wait(1); myservo.position(45.0); wait(1); myservo.position(90.0); wait(1); myservo.position(135.0); wait(1); myservo.position(180.0); wait(1); }

posted by Tue Myren 29 Jul 2015

Hi Again I tried another library (Servo on any pin)... it works!... because I can go from 8ms to 2,5ms So I am able to control the movement exactly as i want



  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "Servo.h"

Servo Servo1(p21);

int main() { Servo1.Enable(1650,20000); Set the start position in us (1,65ms) and the period (20ms)

while(1) { Servo1.SetPosition(800); Set 0deg for my servo wait(1); Servo1.SetPosition(1650); Set 90deg for my servo wait(1); Servo1.SetPosition(2500); Set 180deg for my servo wait(1); } }

posted by Tue Myren 29 Jul 2015

good so you could use from the original:- Servo1.calibrate(0.00085,90.0); and change lines 44 and 50 of Simon's Servo.cpp from 0.0015 to 0.00165 (would be better if this was more generic in the source library) This would have allowed the full range for your servo for the 0 to 1.0 ranging

kind regards

posted by Martin Simpson 29 Jul 2015
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