9 years, 7 months ago.

SW-Demo not finding any audio/video files ?

Was anyone succesful in playing audio or video files with the demo sw ? My demo sw could not find any file on USB or SDcard.

Question relating to:

The STM32F746G-DISCO discovery board (32F746GDISCOVERY) is a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics ARM® Cortex®-M7 core-based STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller.

Are you sure they are on the SD card?

posted by David Fletcher 27 Jul 2015

6 Answers

9 years, 7 months ago.

Did you try it on the OTG ports?

9 years, 7 months ago.

I tried both USB-Ports ( and not the USB-Debugger port ) with different adapter cables included one from an other ST Eva-Kit. The files on SDcard and USB Memory stick are the same. Most of the files are from the other ST-Eva-Kit. I added more files of every type (mp3, wav, flv, mp4, emf) I can think of.

In file select menu you can select between two "drives" ( "0" and "1"). What is drive "0" and what is drive "1" ? USB HS and FS or USB (HS/FS?) and SDcard or ???

Or do I need a special directory tree on the drives ?

Or a special file system (FAT16/32 or ???)

Thamks for your help.

7 years, 1 month ago.

I was having the same issue with playing audio and video samples., even thought that maybe the usb ports were defective, but surfing around and by trial and error, I finally found that is needed to have the usb drive connected and after that power on the board. The demo sw run perfectly, except that the video Plane_640x480.emf was unsupported... :( . Anyway, the STM32F7 board is a small wonder.


9 years, 7 months ago.

Still no response after 2 weeks and 4 days ? I received my kit a few days ago and have the same results.

Are there any moderators from MBED / STM / ARM who care about new users. If not, then back it goes to Farnell as defective.

Yesterday I received my new 16GB USB Memory stick with dual port (USB standard and USB micro) and it worked ! Connector is CN12 and the audio and video files are from the media directory from "stm32cubef7.zip" ( http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF261909 ) So the problem were the adapter cable... I think.

posted by Lutz Schulze 16 Aug 2015
9 years, 7 months ago.

The product is probably not defective. It only can be pre-ordered and just isn't supported by the mbed compiler. Personally, I would not bother to buy it, and next just let it collect dust for months. By the time it is supported by the compiler, there is a chance a new revision of the board will be available too.

9 years, 7 months ago.

There are some problems below, but I can play both audio and video.

  • It can play only via USB memory stick connected to OTG port.
  • It is successful in only by the prebuilt hex file that is included in STM32F7Cube. The binary that I compiled by GCC cannot show the file list.
  • It froze up during audio playback several times.
> In file select menu you can select between two "drives" ( "0" and "1"). What is drive "0" and what is drive "1" ? 
> USB HS and FS or USB (HS/FS?) and SDcard or ???

I don't know what is "drives", but I did not change that.

> Or do I need a special directory tree on the drives ?
> Or a special file system (FAT16/32 or ???)

No, I placed the wav and emf files to root directory of USB memory that was formatted FAT32.

The binary that I compiled by GCC cannot show the file list.

Same here with Keils MDK-ARM. So I asked for it in the ST-Forum and this is the answer :

There is an error at the source "usb_msc.c" :'( :wall:


line 446, change

if((phost->Timer - MSC_Handle->timer) > 10000)


if((phost->Timer - MSC_Handle->timer) < 10000)

Now every things works fine... Time to go on. ;)

I hope that will help somebody else !

posted by Lutz Schulze 22 Aug 2015