9 years, 6 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Unclear question

Getting Started with Adafruit CC3000 + LPC1768

[This article uses the machine translation. I think this is unnatural expression. Sorry.]

I am a beginner of mbed. I do not have more information on the specifications of the Adafruit CC3000 breakout and LPC1768.

Currently I have pins of the Adafruit cc3000 breakout set up like this:



MOSI -> p5

MISO -> p6

CLK -> p7

CS -> p8

IRQ -> p10

VBEN -> p9

(If I swap the position that connects the IRQ and VBEN, LPC1768 will not work completely)

I'm using with modify the code of [https://www.dropbox.com/s/hlzzfj1pkaqlcmw/cc3000_hello_world_demo2_full.zip?dl=0].

However, this program hang at this line:


cc3000 wifi(p10, p9, p8, SPI(p5, p6, p7), "ssid", "key", WPA2, false);

Please opinion what is wrong.

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

I checked your program from dropbox. Please remove the wait(10); at line approx 50. Adding a 10sec wait here will not help you, the connection to an AP can take almost 20 seconds, so adding another 10 seconds is not a good move. Other than that point, your posted program works fine. Do not change signal pins unless you know what you are doing, other files would also need to be changed. One important note, you need to connect the cc3000 VIN to an external 5v power source, if you don't the program will fail. Please let me know how you get on.

EDIT: You will need to connect the external 5v power source ground to the mbed ground, if you don't, your program may still fail.

EDIT2: The most simple way i can think of to get 5v, is to buy something like this http://www.amazon.co.uk/USB-A-Socket-Breakout-Board/dp/B00AQNXX5U/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1433340395&sr=8-2&keywords=usb+breakout+board . You can either solder wires or pins/sockets to the board GND and Vcc/5v, then connect the board to a spare usb connector on your computer via a usb cable. Do not forget to connect the mbed ground/0v to the cc3000, you can use a solderless breadboard for these GND/0v connections.

Sorry, I do not know a good way to output a 5V from mbed.

posted by Shunsuke Koizumi 03 Jun 2015

The CC3000 Vin could be connected to mbed VU. The VU pin has 5V from the USB cable that also supplies the mbed. Note that this will only work when the cc3000 does not draw too much current. The alternative is to use an external 5V powersupply, for example a cellphone charger of sufficient current capacity. Connect the 5V powersupply to Vin of the cc3000, connect the powersupply GND to the common GND of mbed and cc3000.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 03 Jun 2015

Although I forgot to say, I want to move the CC3000 with m3pi robot. Therefore, we believe that the power supply is not realistic by VU.

posted by Shunsuke Koizumi 03 Jun 2015