9 years, 9 months ago.

Linux (Ubuntu) offline IDE


recently I have migrated from Windows to Linux. I've managed to correctly install arm-noneabi compiler. If I export a project from the online compiler and try it to compile offline with the make statement, it compiles correctly, I get the bin & hex files, if I try to make some changes in the source code , and recompile it works flawlessly. I'm quite sattisfied, with it, but I've miserably failed to get the compiler work with any type of IDE (I tried CodeBlocks and Eclipse), maybe I'm just doing things worong. Did anybody found an comprehensive tutorial, how to make things work. I'm a total Linux beginer. If any one managed to make things work, I would be very gratefull for any help. Btw, I allso failed with Emacs...Although it writes in the console window, that is running make -all nothing happens.

I know that I can make a small bash script, but I preffer having things 1 click away ;)


1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

I use Ubuntu (14.04 , exactly a Xubuntu 14.04), now the gcc-arm compiler and formerly a codesourcery compiler .
My main tools are

  1. a good editor with code folding : Scite
  2. a terminal emulator GtkTerm; the normal debugging occurs with printf...
  3. a search tool : regexxer
  4. a comparison tool as "Diffuse" or "Meld"
  5. a version control : Mercurail and the visual interface Tortoise Theses programs are available in the software centre . Add a logic analyser for time-depending debugging (Saleae : https://www.saleae.com/)

I tried more than once Eclipse but never found a added value.
I hope this can help you

Accepted Answer

Hi, thank you very much. I'll try Scite - I use Emacs for editing and runnuning an terminal session for compiling. I'll give a try with a bash scrpit, to get the compilation done and copy it to mbed.


posted by Gorazd Rosbach 12 May 2015

With Scite you build the project with "F7" I build often, to check the compilation, without going further. To copy to mbed I made a little update to the makefile, adding 3 lines (review the format of a makefile) prog: cp $(PROJECT).bin /media/robert/MBED/$(PROJECT).bin sync #flush all buffers

This make a copy to my mbed (mounted automatically in /media...) and flushes the buffers. It is very simple. The USB cable remains connected and provide 5V to the Mbed. To start the mbed I send a "reset" from the Gtkterminal (ctrl-B)


posted by Robert Spilleboudt 12 May 2015