9 years, 7 months ago.

Whats with the spam

Cant MBED do summit about the NORK spam bots.

2 Answers

9 years, 7 months ago.

Yeah I would also assume they could at least put first post for example of everyone on hold until it is cleared by someone.

The spammers are creating accounts faster than someone can approve them, despite the captchas. So trying to approve them would amount to an DoS on our own new users.

posted by Stephen Paulger 09 May 2015

Well problem is: New users couldn't use the forums/questions the last days anyway since no one could use them. And I would assume that if their messages aren't coming through, the spammers will stop, or at least reduce in number: Their goal isn't to DoS the mbed new-user queue, but to get their crap on the internet.

posted by Erik - 09 May 2015

This spam seems to stop. Because reCAPTCHA has been embeded in signup page.

posted by yasuyuki onodera 09 May 2015

Stephen, anything else to enable? They seem to be back today

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 May 2015
9 years, 7 months ago.

I agree with Erik . If a new user places a question and nobody answers , he should not be able to make another question for a fixed time , perhaps 24 hours . Also one entry a day per new user at the forum might be more than enough . After some valid posts from the new user , ( some kind of user ranking ) these prohibitions could be lifted . Also , using such a " user ranking " system could allow some high ranked users to ban spammers as well . If a user is reported by more than ?? higher ranked users , he should be banned automatically ... Regards , Christos

If that was the case, they would just create an account to answer the question, or just create more accounts. If posts were limited to 1, they would create more accounts.

posted by Stephen Paulger 11 May 2015

Then also limit based on IP address. A slightly higher limit maybe, say 5 in the first 24 hours, due to groups of students or project teams all starting on the same day but some sort of limit.

That aim isn't to make it impossible, the aim is to make it more hassle to spam here than to spam somewhere else.

posted by Andy A 11 May 2015

@Stephen, to put it non-diplomatic: I have another solution that does not work, and that is the current solution.

I don't know how they are getting past captchas, if they do it manually or OCR, but for sure it will be more intensive for them than making a new topic/question. So if they have to make a new account all the time I assume it will cut down on the spam.

The easiest solution I see is restrictions on new accounts (and of course lift them as soon as possible to not hamper new users, but currently new users are also hampered by all the spam).

posted by Erik - 11 May 2015