10 years, 9 months ago.

I want to use C027_HTTPClientTest

By using the C027_HTTPClientTest, I want to check the SIM communication of Japan.

However, according to the SIM of Japan · APN (iijmio.jp) · USERNAME (moi @ iij) · PASSWORD (ij) It is not possible to change them.

Please tell me how to confirm it to change them.

Question relating to:

The u-blox-C027 is a complete starter kit that allows quick prototyping of a variety of applications for the Internet of Things. The application board has a MAX-M8Q GPS/GNSS receiver and …

2 Answers

10 years, 9 months ago.

You should be able to pass the apn, username and password as arguments to the connect function.

gprs connect

modem.connect("iijmio.jp", "moi @ iij", "ij") 

You likely also need a 3G(LISA-U) modem.

Thank you for the quick response.

posted by yasan sudoh 18 Mar 2014
yasan sudoh
10 years, 9 months ago.

Thank you for the quick response.

I bought a C027-U20. I am trying to assess the LISA-U200.

Correct the Main function, ret = modem.connect ("iijmio.jp", "moi @ iij", "iij"); / / eventaully set another apn here

I tried, but I did not go well, we have a question.

I think if you need to change to GPRS connection. However, I do not know where you want to change.

It safe by using the UbloxSerModem? We must change the case of UbloxUSBGSMModem.cpp? I tried to follow in various ways, but I'm lost.

Will you tell me? I need your help please.

I do not know about all the details in the cellular driver from mbed_official that is being used. Maybe you can try Debugging the individual AT commands. The C027_ModemTransparentSerial example will give you access to the serial interface on the mbed serial. You can then send AT individual commands to the device with a simple terminal like putty or teraterm. Use the AT command manual from the modem suppliers web site and type individual commands. .

posted by Michael Ammann 18 Mar 2014

Thank you

I'll try immediately.

posted by yasan sudoh 18 Mar 2014