Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth LE, BTLE, Bluetooth Smart)

release 0.4.0 of BLE

20 Jun 2015

Hello Community,

We've rolled out an update to BLE_API which has some breaking changes.

This is a major release which introduces the GATT Client functionality. It also aligns BLE_API with builds using our new package manager: yotta (

Many APIs have seen some redesign. We encourage our users to pay attention to the changes and migrate appropriately over time. We've tried to ensure that existing code continues to work the same way.

One of the breaking changes has been to rename BLEDevice as BLE. This has also meant that the header BLEDevice.h has been renamed as BLE.h. Unfortunately, this will mean that all user code will need to make this switch. Hopefully the surprise won't be too disruptive.

All demo programs on the BLE team page have been updated.

There's more documentation in the form of comment headers for APIs to explain proper usage; in many cases comment headers suggest alternative use of APIs.