I spent a little time to see if mbed-RTOS could be ported to KDS - and it got painful - there are different low level architectures and there were some include files I couldn't find anywhere.
On the mbed compiler downloads options there is an option for EmBlocks and KDS(that is greyed out)
I did do the EmBlocks download on a small project and verified it compiled locally. However I didn't go further with it as it meant investigating integrating all the tools with the EmBlocks toolchain.
I really like what is being attempted with mbed-RTOS - so it would be incredibly powerful to have the ability to download projects into KDS format and then be able to use the productive KDS toolchain.
The KDS Processor Expert is really nice to be able to visually prototype a specific kinetis products hardware interface - however each processor expert is finely turned to a specific kinetis device - and even if you can download say a FRDM-K20D50 to a KDS , so far it doesn't seem possible with KDS2.0.1 to then change the processor to a K20Dxxx72,
In KDS/ProcExpert its even not possible to switch processor components between K20DX128xxx72 and KD20DX256xxx72 - a whole new error prone project has to be built from the base up on the new processor.
So switching between K64 and K22 is likely to be challenging, and I'd recommend you prototype the path you expect to take. The core of the issue is the NVIC implementations, but there are likely to also be multiple little differently named methods.
Currently, due to low confidence in the end-to-end mbed toolchain, I'm prototyping with KDS and FREE-RTOS and just keeping an eye on where mbed is going. So far I'm also concluding that for the mbed environment - its the exact processor that is being used, OR potentially a lot of work to change to another variant.
I see that I'm going to have to prototype the Kinetis hardware level access with KDS/ProcExpert and then freeze it and then port the code into my target environment.
I am working with a FRDM-K22F board. The K64F is the most similar board that has it's own forum, both being M4F processors and well populated boards. I was having good initial luck running mbed and mbed-rtos on my K22F board when compiled from the mbed compiler. However, when I exported to KDS, the mbed libraries appear to work but the mbed thread calls simply don't work. It might be that all of mbed-rtos won't work.
I am doing professional development on an insane schedule and was hoping to use mbed to speed my time to market. Obviously that is not looking too good right now.
Has anyone had good luck getting mbed-rtos to run natively in Kinetis Design Studio? Maybe there is a different code base I can work from?
THANKS! And Happy New Year.