Embedded Artists base board

16 Feb 2010

Hi All,

I have one of the baseboards from Embedded Artists here before me, and I'm looking to write some libraries for the parts on the board to make it a little more mbed-like.

Does anyone else have one of these boards and has started writing libraries? Want to see if anyone wants to collaborate to avoid reinventing the wheel!


I'll be posting links to notebook pages in this thread as I go.


16 Feb 2010

Hi Chris

I do have one of these boards - however as far as starting to write libraries is concerned, my board is still sitting in the very nice tin it came in.

But very happy to collaborate/help test/get a move on and help write code myself...



16 Feb 2010


I own one too, but I have not coded anything yet but would be happy to share experience.


18 Feb 2010

Hi Chris,

I have the baseboard - just waiting for enough free time to liberate it from the tin.


19 Apr 2011

Hi Chris,

Has anyone been able to get any work done for this board yet?

I'm about to dive into another development phase and will probably have to go for a different baseboard with a little more support (at least in the short-term) if there's still basically no more support ;-(

Hoping I've just missed some other posts.

Cheers, Jez

19 Apr 2011

Hi Jez,

i have setup this project with the EABaseBoard. Its a great board!



19 Apr 2011

Hi Franz,

That's a pretty impressive project ;-)

If you don't mind, I'll have a look at how many of the baseboard features that you're using can be transferred over...obviously giving you full credit!

Cheers, Jez