LPC1768 development of and Embedded system beyond mbed

01 Feb 2010

I know that several post and topics have arisen on this but I am asking as a enthusiast trying to make a marketable product.


Because the mbed is mean for the enthusiast it has been perfect for building the prototype but I was wondering if someone has some insite on the next step for developing an embedded circuit with the LPC1768.  I had hoped to be able to incorporate the mbed schematic into my PCB with components that i need and have the entire board assembled.  I have seen other post stating the board is not rated for harsh conditions.  Suggestions? should I step up to a development kit by IAR or others.


The last device I produced was 12years ago using 68hc11 and machine code.  I am new and not sure how all the software works on the new processors.  Should the code from the mbed be transferable to another develpment board or strait to a LPC1768 if it were built into an embedded circuit.


I guess in general any thoughts on taking my prototype project for mbed to an embedded system that can be sold. (Is mbed willing to sell rights to reproduce their circuits and use their software?)

01 Feb 2010 . Edited: 01 Feb 2010

Hi James,

James Rericha wrote:
I had hoped to be able to incorporate the mbed schematic into my PCB with components that i need and have the entire board assembled.

Yep, that should certainly be possible and something we'd very much like to support. You can find some of the resources need on:

On this page is the Eagle .sch file that contains all the core components of the LPC1768 mbed design, which you should be able to use as a starting point and can extend to include everything else you want in your design. The information is not that mature yet, so please ask any questions or highlight anything that is missing to help you do that. We'd like to make the transition from the prototype to a custom PCB as easy as possible, so if you can create tips for anyone or give us feedback that is great.

James Rericha wrote:
I have seen other post stating the board is not rated for harsh conditions.  Suggestions? should I step up to a development kit by IAR or others.

By this, we more mean the module itself is not really meant as a "design-in" module (i.e there are different expectations from an industrial module vs. a development board e.g. we're expecting people to buy them in 1's/10's rather than 1k's/10k's!). The LPC1768 is fine for all sorts of applications, so I wouldn't be worrying (unless you mean really harsh! you'd need to take advice then!).

James Rericha wrote:
I am new and not sure how all the software works on the new processors.  Should the code from the mbed be transferable to another develpment board or strait to a LPC1768 if it were built into an embedded circuit.

We purposely made the code run bare-metal on the target, so if you buy a LPC1768 off the shelf and program in the same .bin you are using on your mbed, it'll work fine. Chris wrote up a first example here which might be interesting:

James Rericha wrote:
Is mbed willing to sell rights to reproduce their circuits and use their software?

The core LPC1768 schematic and the core mbed libraries are both free to use (for both commercial or non-commercial use), so there is no need to hand over any cash - please go ahead! (Note, if you are using any other libraries, make sure you check the license the author has released them under). You should be able to design and build your own custom LPC1768 PCB, and get it up and running fine.

Please share your progress as you go along and ask any questions or for any further info you need; this is a very important route for us to support and get right, so all feedback is great.

Hope this helps,

01 Feb 2010


I appreciate the fast responses today.  I have reviewed the other pages that you recommended and find them very helpful; especially Software P2P.  To clarify the usb interface that is used on the mbed is not available along with the 2mb of storage it contains.  The usb and storage are not all that important because they can be put on a new board with SD card reader and the USB from the LPC1768 and as long as the program doesn't try to interface with the storage by writing files it should be fine....


Also The firmware update that I performed on the mbed when it arrived. Is that part of the USB interface on the mbed or part of the LPC1768?

02 Feb 2010

There are 2 USB interfaces on the mbed board, one with the LPC1768 which is on the pins (see your pin card supplied with the mbed)

The 2nd which is used for programming is via the 'magic' (as it has been affectionately named on here) chip, the 2mb storage is also attached to the 'magic' chip via SPI.

The firmware is located in the 'magic' chip. (Its another microcontroller)


02 Feb 2010

Does anyone know if the led_link and led_speed are set high or low on the a reboot to set the AN0 and AN1 pin on the  DP83848J.  Curious so that I can have Ethernet lights on my RJ45 jack provided by the DP83848j.

22 Mar 2010

Hi James,

Don't know if this is still something you are trying to do but I have just moved from mbed to prototype and have wrote a page on it here...

Turning an mbed circuit into a custom PCB

Hope you find this useful