Testing USART Loopback

23 Aug 2012

Hello All,

I have a problem that is frustrating my progress:

In order to test the USART I wrote a program to write data to the serial port on the mbed. My goal was to test the USART using a loopback and an interrupt. The idea is to send one byte out of the USART and toggle an LED in the interrupt handler when the byte is received back. When I run the program both my test LEDs remain solid. Additionally, I did not connect the TX and RX pins together so there is no reason for the LED to assert. Could you please have a look below and let me know if there is something obvious that is being overlooked? Thanks in advance!!

#include "mbed.h"

Serial Device(p9, p10);   // P9 and P10 UART pins

DigitalOut Led1(LED1);
DigitalOut Led2(LED2);

** RX Interrupt Handler
void RxInterrupt()
    if( Led2.read() )

** Main
int main()
    // Configure serial port
    Device.baud(9600);                                // Baud rate
    Device.attach( &RxInterrupt, Serial::RxIrq );     // RX interrupt handler
    // Initialize
        Device.putc( 0x02 );
        if( Led1.read() )
        wait( 2.0 );    // Sleep 2 second
25 Nov 2015

Its called a UART. USART is a proprietary circuit that does more than just UART.