This is a recent dump of the SystemInit() routine used for the mbed1768 with my comments.
; SystemInit (from
; Initializes the LPC1768 clocks and peripherals
; Set base pointer (r0) to 0x400FC000
00001D50 481B LDR R0, .+112 ; .+112 == 0x1DC0
; Enable main oscillator
00001D52 2120 MOVS R1, #32 ; 32 == 0x20
00001D54 F8C0 11A0 STR.W R1, [R0, #+416] ; +416 == +0x1A0
; Wait for main oscillator to stabilize
00001D58 F8D0 11A0 LDR.W R1, [R0, #+416] ; +416 == +0x1A0
00001D5C F011 0F40 TST R1, #0x00000040
00001D60 D0FA BEQ .-8 ; .-8 == 0x1D58
; Set CPU clock to PLL0 / 3 = 288 MHz / 3 = 96 MHz
00001D62 2102 MOVS R1, #2 ; 2 == 0x2
00001D64 F8C0 1104 STR.W R1, [R0, #+260] ; +260 == +0x104
; Configure PLL0 to use main oscillator as its input
00001D68 2101 MOVS R1, #1 ; 1 == 0x1
00001D6A F8C0 110C STR.W R1, [R0, #+268] ; +268 == +0x10C
; PLL0 multiplier set to 11+1=12 12 MHz * 12 * 2 = 288 MHz
00001D6E 220B MOVS R2, #11 ; 11 == 0xB
00001D70 F8C0 2084 STR.W R2, [R0, #+132] ; +132 == +0x84
; Set enable for PLL0 but not completed until the PLL is fed
00001D74 F8C0 1080 STR.W R1, [R0, #+128] ; +128 == +0x80
; Feed PLL0
00001D78 22AA MOVS R2, #170 ; 170 == 0xAA
00001D7A F8C0 208C STR.W R2, [R0, #+140] ; +140 == +0x8C
00001D7E 2355 MOVS R3, #85 ; 85 == 0x55
00001D80 F8C0 308C STR.W R3, [R0, #+140] ; +140 == +0x8C
; Wait for PLL0 to lock
00001D84 F8D0 1088 LDR.W R1, [R0, #+136] ; +136 == +0x88
00001D88 F011 6F80 TST R1, #0x04000000
00001D8C D0FA BEQ .-8 ; .-8 == 0x1D84
; Set bit to connect PLL0 but not completed until PLL is fed
00001D8E 2103 MOVS R1, #3 ; 3 == 0x3
00001D90 F8C0 1080 STR.W R1, [R0, #+128] ; +128 == +0x80
; Feed PLL0
00001D94 F8C0 208C STR.W R2, [R0, #+140] ; +140 == +0x8C
00001D98 F8C0 308C STR.W R3, [R0, #+140] ; +140 == +0x8C
; Set USB clock to PLL0 clock divided by 5+1=6 288 MHz / 6 = 48 MHz
00001D9C 2105 MOVS R1, #5 ; 5 == 0x5
00001D9E F8C0 1108 STR.W R1, [R0, #+264] ; +264 == +0x108
; Set all peripheral clocks to PLL0 / 4 288 MHz / 4 = 72 MHz
00001DA2 2100 MOVS R1, #0 ; 0 == 0x0
00001DA4 F8C0 11A8 STR.W R1, [R0, #+424] ; +424 == +0x1A8
00001DA8 F8C0 11AC STR.W R1, [R0, #+428] ; +428 == +0x1AC
; Enable all peripherals by writing 0x042887DE to 0x400FC0C4
00001DAC 4A05 LDR R2, .+24 ; .+24 == 0x1DC4
00001DAE F8C0 20C4 STR.W R2, [R0, #+196] ; +196 == +0xC4
; Set external CLKOUT signal to CPU Clock
00001DB2 F8C0 11C8 STR.W R1, [R0, #+456] ; +456 == +0x1C8
; Set FLASH MAM to use 4 clocks
00001DB6 F243 013A MOVW R1, #0x303A ; 0x303A == 12346
00001DBA 6001 STR R1, [R0, #0] ; 0 == 0x0
; Return to caller
00001DBC 4770 BX LR
; Function literals
00001DBE 0000 DCWU 0x0000 ; Padding for 4-byte alignment
00001DC0 C000 400F DCDU 0x400FC000 ; Base pointer for system control registers
00001DC4 87DE 0428 DCDU 0x042887DE ; Value used to enable all peripherals
Dear all,
May I know how can I change the processor speed in mbed? I want to run mbed at 60MHz, 100MHz and in overclocked mode. Please help me with this