Bad display

05 Dec 2009 . Edited: 05 Dec 2009


I connected the Nokia LCD to the mbed and ran the cookbook software. Here is what I get :

Wires are correctly connected. I see the demo (bars, Hello World Text and Sinus) but it very bad.

Any idea what is causing this ?


05 Dec 2009

I discovered that the Sparkfun part  described in the MobileLCD cookbook is built around Nokia 6100 and not Nokia 6610. Screen size is 128x128 and not 130x130. Thus the lib I am using is not adapted to the Sparkfun product. The bizarre display must be linked with bad memory access. I wonder how to adapt the current library ?

05 Dec 2009

Hi Stephane,

We've got a thread about identifying all these displays, with a view to trying to enumberate them all and make a driver that works for each type. Take a look at and add yours if you can.

Note, there are two libraries on the MobileLCD page, so perhaps try both as some have reported similar problems with the first, but success with the second (at the bottom of the MobileLCD page).

To modify the library, you can simply "import as files" and fiddle yourself as Phil has been doing (, Be warned; the code is pretty horrible at the moment, but if we can get a load of these displays working it'd be work a combined effort to clean them all up and publish a library supporting all the different variants.

Keep us posted on how you get on,


05 Dec 2009 . Edited: 06 Dec 2009

Thanks, I should have search the forum better. If I use the second lib, it working. In fact I can access 130 x 130 pixels so there really are various flavors of those screens. It is not the X3 Philips version as Phil prog does not run on mine and it is not the one in the cookbook. I just have to figure out how to get those two bottom lines and I have a perfect lib to share.