Mysterious file I/O errors when using firmware update class

27 Apr 2011

Hey guys,

above several other classes, I am using a micro SD card and a firmware updater class in my project. See here:

Import programSDFileSystem

Allow SD Cards to be accessed as a standard filesystem

Import programFirmwareUpdater_TestProgram

This is a test program for FirmwareUpdater.

The thing is, if I am using both functionalities in my programm the code stops executing when the SD cards gets used (writing only). If I disable one of both functionalities everything works fine. I found, one critical point is the usage of the HTTPClient within the function FirmwareUpdater::readVersionFromURL(const char *url). If I comment this line, everything works just fine, though I use both libraries. Does anyone have a clue why this happens?

Thanks to all Cheers Stefan