MAC OSX Safari and downloading

19 Oct 2009

I normally use Firefox for browsing. For mbed I use Safari. Using a different browser is useful because I have the download folder always set to mbed and bookmarks to compiler, handbook, cookbook etc. along the toolbar on top. Safari appends the filename with an incrementing number each time. This is OK as mbed seems to run the latest time-stamped bin (I think). I would prefer if it simply overwrote the old file rather than creating multiple versions on the mbed. Any way to get around this?




19 Oct 2009

I noticed this too and it can get a tad annoying when you have test-87, test-86, etc. I heard on the forum that new updates to the compiler were coming, just not very soon. Maybe a compile preferences?


19 Oct 2009


It is Safari that does this not the compiler. I work with IE also and there is no problem.

19 Oct 2009


The incrementing file number is out of our control as far as I know; it is part of the browsers logic (and probably not as low down as webkit, as used by safari/chrome; more likely the specific UI). Certainly we're not doing it and I've never found a work around, but I haven't looked too hard in browser settings; it could be an option I guess. I did experiment with HTTP headers quite a bit to avoid it, but most browsers have their own idea of what to do with file downloads.

If anyone finds the hidden option or knows a way to stop this incrementing behaviour, i'd be very interested!


19 Oct 2009 . Edited: 19 Oct 2009

Perhaps if the compiler could spit out a compressed file and then let os x uncompressed directly to the mbed.

But then your stuck with multiple zip files.

24 Oct 2009

Unfortunately, Safari doesn't have an option to disable the "unique" filename.  One option would be for someone to create a WebKit app which "did the appropriate thing" with the MBED site on Mac OS X. (e.g., the download delegate would know to copy the binary to /Volumes/MBED and to overwrite).  Not sure what other features would go away, but it could also allow Mac folks to have cmd key modifiers for cut and paste work with the system clipboard.