Eagle Library for the HANRUN HR911105A

30 Jan 2011

Hi , Does someone have an Eagle LIbrary for the magjack manufactured by HANRUN model HR911105A ? Can you share your library ? Thanks in advance . Jeronimo http://blogdoje.com.br


30 Jan 2011

Why not create it yourself? It would only take a few minutes with the PCB software I use, and shouldn't take much longer with Eagle. I found the data sheet here:


It has the relevant dimensions.

01 Feb 2011

Thanks for your suggestion, I agree with you that it is simple to construct it, but if it exists in an opensource form , it will be better and quicker to use/improve it and go direct to my project. I have found it in a Dangerous Prototype opensource project, http://dangerousprototypes.com/2009/12/11/prototype-web-platform/ , extracted it and started to use. Regards, Jeronimo http://blogdoje.com.br

06 Feb 2011

Hi , I am adding the Eagle library with the HANRUN HR911105A magnetics to this post. I hope that it be useful to other mBed users. /media/uploads/jeroavf/connecter.lbr.zip Jeronimo. http://blogdoje.com.br