USB host UVC


I'm new on this group, so I'm not aware of the conditions. Let me introduce
myself. I'm a student of a dutch university and together with my classmate
we've received a assignment for NXP. We have te make a device that traces a red
dot on a white sheet of paper. We have to use a mbed 1768 and a UVC webcam. We
have already implemented the USB host controller and we've set several
endpoints. Now we have to read data from the isochronous endpoint, but we don't
know how to send a message for an isochronous in-endpoint. Does someone has any
ideas or a piece of example code?

thanks in advance,


07 Jan 2011

Hi Henry,..

I didn't want you to think its unfriendly here.

That sounds quite hard for a first project.

Although I can't help myself.. Here is what I think people need some clarification on.

when you say "traces" Do you mean draw or follow ?

when you say you have "set endpoints" what do you mean ?

and what's an isynchronous endpoint ?

sorry I can't help with the actual problem,



07 Jan 2011

Not wanting to sound unfriendly either but if you "have already implemented the USB host controller" then you should already know what an isochronous endpoint is.

The first isochronous endpoint descriptor is the one linked to at the end of all the possible interrupt endpoint descriptors.

07 Jan 2011

Hi Henry,

I sincerely think that using OV cams such as OV7670 series would speed up your progress!


All the best
