mbed burned out :(

24 Dec 2010


Im working on a robot wich uses two motors 24V 1.3A. The robot was working well, but sudenly the mbed started to smoke, and stop working.

I notice the smoke was coming from one of the regulators. Is there any chanse to fix it? I saw in the datasheet that there is only one regulator, but in the mbed i see two of them, are they in paralell?

Tank you!!

ps. sorry about my english hehe


24 Dec 2010

Hi gerado,

You may well be able to replace it. We put two regulators on the board; one drives all the internal circuitry, whilst the other is dedicated to providing the 3.3v output. This gives some seperation/protection, and depending which one blew up, it'll give you an indication of the likely reason (and likely damage!).

It obviously let out magic smoke for a reason, so worth investigating what is up before powering it back up. Perhaps you got your 24v supply connected somehow?

Good luck! Simon

24 Dec 2010

Hi Simon!

Thank you for the quick answer. Maybe the burned regulator is the one wich drives the internal circuitry, and because of that the mbed doesnt work. So if I replace it with the other regulator the mbed will work again? (it doesnt matter if I loose the 3.3v output). Or even I can feed the mbed with 3.3v directly in the regulator output, cant I?

In my city they dont sell that regulators, so I cant buy another to replace it :(

Thank you again!