I really doubt you'll find a 40ma/3.3v relay.
I could find this.. but it draws 100ma, even though it's TINY.
plus, a relay switching circuit is a transistor, a resistor and a relay. (oh, don't forget the diode, I always forget the diode). If you have some power available from somewhere, just use that to switch the relay by adding a transistor and resistor to the relay and using the mbed digitalOut. This pic is 12v, but it doesn't have to be. This is ALL that breakout board is. Just spec a small 5v one if you have 5v around. (or if you are always using a USB).

Do you have power available from anywhere other than the mbed? Remember you only get VU (5v) when you are plugged into a usb port, are you always planning on being plugged into a USB port ?
These are odd replies, but it's an odd question.
I'd find out why you want to "short" the wires, it *may* be just a big mosfet/transistor you need. They do some stonking great power ones now, if its not really a "short".
You might not even need a power one.
btw, if you don't know what's in them, how do you know the whole thing won't go "bang" ? (or more possibly "melt") or what to spec ? If you use a relay, how will you be able to check the contact ratings will be ok, if you don't know the levels in the wires ?
I think its easy enough as above, but personally I'd really want to find out what I was shorting.
I hope that someone can help me find a suitable relay for my purposes.
I need to be able to briefly (don't know exactly how long at present, but I expect less than 1 second) short 2 wires together under control by a PC. I unfortunately don't know what signal levels these 2 wires are, and I don't have access the equipment these wires are connected to, so cannot investigate myself.
I've been using an mbed for another PC interface piece of work, so as I already know that I can interface my software with the mbed, and get it to do the sorts of things I want, I thought it would be best to stick with an mbed board. I've written an app on the mbed which allows a PC to send a command to it and it raises a DigitalOut pin high for a fixed period. I'll connect a relay to the DigitalOut pin and that'll short the necessary wires together. Nice and straightforward.
The problem I have is that I've not yet found any suitable relays to be driven by the mbed. I only seem to find ones with are 5v or higher, and have quite high current requirements. Can anyone recommend a relay, available in the UK, which can be directly driven by the 3.3v / 40mA output of a DigitalOut pin on an mbed?
As I said, I don't know the voltages of these wires, but I suspect it's a signal (I did ask, as I wondered whether the mbed to could raise/lower one of the wires, without having a two wire solution, but didn't get a helpful response), as a momentary short it's used to trigger an operation in a piece of equipment.
Any help would be appreciated.