mbedcli export -> sw4stm32 mbed-os-example-blinky really?

20 Apr 2019

I would have given up weeks ago except others claim this is no problem at all so I stupidly keep trying. mbedcli will build and flash a successful blinky test so I think all is well with it.

I have not intricately set up the gnu eabi tool paths inside System Workbench because they seem to be ok and no-one else seems to have needed to, yet it emits errors like make and gcc are not found in path. I can build my own test code with System Workbench, I just can't import and build code from mbedcli export with it.

I followed Dan Beckett's sequence here: https://os.mbed.com/questions/85469/Eclipse-CDT-IndexingParser-Issue/#answer16465

Project Explorer shows

[red x] eventOS [mbed-os mbed-os-5.12] [red x] mbed-os-example-blinky [mbed-os-example-blinky master]

It's a nucleo F401RE.

What is the trick, how the (shpx) are people doing it?
