KVStore static API configuration

15 Feb 2019

Hello everyone,

I have been using the KVStore static API on the online compiler, and hence I can only override the storage API configuration from the mbed_app.json. It works with the configuration:

    "target_overrides": {
        "*": {
            "target.features_add": ["STORAGE",],
            "target.components_add": ["FLASHIAP"],
            "storage.storage_type": "TDB_INTERNAL"

but seems to break when implictly calling kv_init_storage_config through the static API when overriding storage_tdb_internal.internal_size and storage_tdb_internal.internal_base_address. The board is an STM32F746ZG.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

18 Feb 2019

Update: Some versions of mbed-os 5.11.x have an error, but mbed-os 5.11.4 functions OK