I too am having trouble exporting from Mbed to offline tools too.
Segger is free for Nordic users so that would be a great choice if it was
My example was "mbed-os-example-blinky" for the nRF52_DK.
It compiles ok online...
I tried initially to export it for
"GNU Tools Arm Embedded" intended for the Visual Studio Code IDE,
but I have had multiple roadblock to getting make to compile to completion.
It compiles a good number of files and then fails. I am not using the IDE but
just executing make.
This example, although it is just "blinky" since it has the "mbed-os" has
a very complex directory structure for all the OS features. This is good
In some ways since I wanted to see if I could do offline development with
a complex directory structure for a project, but so far have not had success
Stuck at :
make[1]: * No rule to make target 'mbed-os/targets/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5x/TARGET_SDK_14_2/TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_COMMON/ble/ble_radio_notification/ble_radio_notification.o', needed by 'mbed-os-example-blinky.elf'. Stop.
make: * [makefile:26: all] Error 2
There are many choices as to where you can export Mbed, so I may try a different choice.
to see if I get better results.
can you tell me the step to export my mbed project to segger IDE step by step. thanks to your help. https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.4/advanced/exporters/#mbed-cli-command