Sdcard, mkdir and change dir

03 Sep 2010

Dear mbed user,

I just finish to connect an Sdcard connector on my mBed, load SDFileSystem (thank to the author), first test -> works great, nice !

For the moment i use "read" and "write" command, is it possible to create and/or change directory on the Sdcard with the mbed ?

Many thanks.


06 Sep 2010

Hi Christophe,

I've just updated the example to show how you can create a directory on an SD Card using the mkdir() function. See:

Hope that helps!


06 Sep 2010

Hi Simon,


Thank you for your help !

mkdir... so simple ;-) Where i could find all other compatible "fat" function name with the SdCardFileSystem ?

I imagine rmdir is working ? del to delete a file ?

Sorry for my very low level question, i'm new to mbed and the mbed web site was so huge !

Thank you again.
