I'd like to second Martin's request.
Having been "spoilt" with IDEs for various other environments, I find the online IDE almost unusable, and generally end up cutting/pasting entire files into an external IDE so I can edit them more easily, then cutting/pasting back again in order to compile.
Very cumbersome, but still more efficient than the online IDE :-(
There are too many features to list that I miss after having used other IDEs, but probably the most significant difference I see with the online IDE is the speed (or lack of it) when changing from one file to another. Presumably the online IDE only holds a single file open at one time?
It would be a big improvement, IMO, if the IDE would allow fast cycling between open files (ie any file you have opened to view since the browser window got opened), for example using Ctrl-Tab. Likewise, being able to quickly toggle between a .cpp file and its matching .h file (even if it hasn't been loaded yet, but resides in the same directory) would be a useful addition.
I've just started playing with a mBed and whilst the online IDE is pleasant enough, the editor isn't emacs.
I know that various people are trying to build an entirely local tool chain, but I'd be happy enough with a simpler hack: edit the file locally, then run a script/Makefile which squirts the source to mbed.org, compiles it, then pulls back the binary file and copies it to the mBed.
Has anyone done this, or have any hints where I should start looking ? For example, does the mbed.org toolchain offer any sort of API, or is the web browser interface all there is ?
Thanks in advance.