InterruptIn response time control

29 Apr 2010

hello everyone:


   void flip() {
    pc.printf("0 ");

int main() {
    while(1) {          
        flash = !flash;

    i use InterruptIn on button.but when i click button one time the flip() always do servals times.I don't konw how to control it. I only want to do only once when i click button once.

29 Apr 2010

sorry my poor english .hope some can help me .

29 Apr 2010

Yes, I think so too.
You may need debounce mechanism. It may be looked like this.

#include    "mbed.h"

BusOut            leds( LED4, LED3, LED2, LED1 );
char              count;

InterruptIn       button( p16 );   //  interrupt instance for the button
Timer             t;               //  To manage debounce by menchanical switch

#define DEBOUNCING_INTERVAL  100   //  Debouncing interval (in mili-seconds)

void isr_buton( void ) {
    if ( t.read_ms() > DEBOUNCING_INTERVAL ) {
        leds    = (count++) & 0xF;
    t.reset();  //  timer reset

int main() {
    count   = 0;

    t.start();  //  timer start
    button.rise( &isr_buton );

    while ( 1 ) {

For the debounce, you can find more information here.