Deleting old binary files

26 Feb 2010
I have just received my first mbed so I am still learning my way around. Can old binary files on the mbed be deleted? How do you run a file that is not currently the youngest on the device? I can copy an older bin file to another directory, rename it, reload and then it does run, but this seems a long way around? John Robbins
26 Feb 2010

1. Delete as you would any file.

2. Delete any files younger than the one you wish to load.

26 Feb 2010


I ws using Cut instead of Delete - I should have known better.


03 Mar 2010

mbed runs the most recent image at the root of the disk.  So, if you want to keep some newer images, you can create a "hide" folder and put the images that you don't want run in there.