I tried the project provided by Simon Ford with Keil Eval, and it's works.
I am now trying to port it in Red Suite 3.
I created a new project and include all the .h, .o .ar and tuned the compiler and the linker.
Now the compilation is OK and the link is near OK, but i have an error at the end of link (in fact i hope it's the end) :
c:/code_red/redsuite3_3.4/tools/bin/......./ld.exe: test.axf: hidden symbol `__main' isn't defined
__main should be managed by libc and Red Suite provide a kind of libc called NewLib, but i am not able to have an idea on how to fix this problem.
Some help is appreciate :-)
I just acquired the KEIL compiler tools (MDK-ARM 4.03). I would like to create a project for compiling programs offline. I noticed that I can grab the MBED headers from the SVN but I need the static LIBs to compile. When I export a project form the site, it includes an mbed.lib but is very small (56 bytes).
Can you provide the mbed libs for offline compiling?