runtime error

04 Oct 2014

hey guys, looking for a little help here. any working up a project using a serial LCD and had it working quite nicely. without changing any of the wiring or code, i'm now getting a runtime error. was working flawlessly. if i comment out the serial stuff from my code, it works again. perplexing! is there something simple here that i'm just missing? the usb serial line works fine. ideas?

04 Oct 2014

What kind of runtime error are you getting.

04 Oct 2014

getting the blue flashing lights. is there a way to further define the error?

04 Oct 2014

Check on the serial terminal: It should send a message.

04 Oct 2014

using p28 as the serial output (and that's unchanged from a time when things were working). hung the scope on that line and see a momentary deflection of a few mv but no meaningful output. can i output any useful error info via the usb/serial port?

04 Oct 2014

The default, if you don't change it in your program, is the serial(USBTX, USBRX) output (even if you dont define it).

04 Oct 2014

the serial(USB) output is good. it's the p28 output which is wonky. worked flawlessly previously and i've not changed either hardware or code. i'm befuddled here. should i do a hard reset of my board?

04 Oct 2014

If you have a runtime error, the serial-usb output should give some information on it.

04 Oct 2014

had to change my terminal program back to 9600 to see it. got this:

mbed assertation failed: pin != (PinName)NC, file: C:\work\mbed\github\libraries\mbed\targets\hal\TARGET_NXP\TARGET_LPC176X\pinmap.c, line 32

what going on?

04 Oct 2014

Do you have a Serial or SPI object with not all pins connected, but some NC? Latest mbed lib can't handle that correctly anymore. If you can check that I can fix it in the mbed lib, but for you now it is easiest to go a few revisions back in the mbed lib (dunno how many exactly you need).

04 Oct 2014

that's it exactly Erik and thanks. i'm only using the tx on that serial port. a fix in the up to date lib would be most appreciated. in the meantime, how do i find and older mbed lib?

04 Oct 2014

i found them and reverted back to version 80. works again! tnx man...