Doing any long work in the interrupt handler is a bad idea. Especially opening and writing to a file. Interrupt handler should be as short and fast as possible.
As I understand, you want to measure times between interrupts. What I think you should do is just set the flag in the interrupt, and handle it in the main loop. For example:
bool got_interrupt;
void trigger()
got_interrupt = true;
int main()
got_interrupt = false;
FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out.csv", "w");
int count = 1;
begin = timer.read_ms();
while (1)
if ( got_interrupt )
got_interrupt = false;
end = timer.read_ms();
fprintf(fp, "%d %.2d\n", count, end - begin);
begin = end;
// do other work
__WFI(); // wait for interrupt
This won't work very well if file writing or other processing in the main loop takes longer than time between interrupts. In that case you could, for example, make an list of timestamps, add entries to it in the handler and pop them in main loop. That will need some means of synchronizing access to the list...
i have a piece of code that uses the timer function and is activated on an interrupt signal, i understand that any calculation done will increase total time to execute. what i need help doing is finding the best way to order the code to get the most accurate time.
here a snippet of the code im using:
i have done some fiddling with it but im open to suggestions on how to run this code more accurately