Hard to find my way around on mbed.org

14 Dec 2012

I have a complaint to whom is responsable for mbed.org ....

When I read here I often see interesting topics that have links to other places on mbed.org.

For example: http://mbed.org/nxp

But nowhere there is some overview that that (important) page exists.

There also exist notebook pages, but first I have to find stumble upon one, and then there is a button "show all notebooks". But no search.

There is "Blog", but no overview.

I can only do "Search Forums", but there are many more places of valuable information at mbed.org.

This mbed website is really hard to navigate! Is it only me? Are there future plans to improve it? Or do "they" want to let it die? I would really like it to be better organised...

What do other people (you) think about mbed.org?

15 Dec 2012

A good place to start is the 'Handbook':


17 Dec 2012

Hi Geert,

Part of the problem is the sheer volume of information on mbed.org and the variety of uses to which our users put their mbed. This breadth and depth means that it can be tricky to highlight information that is relevant to everyone. The handbook and cookbook are both good places to start. Recently we added a page to try to highlight some of the programs and libraries that people have published on the site http://mbed.org/code/.

On the front page (http://mbed.org) there is a search form where you can search wiki pages (cookbook, handbook and user's wiki pages), programs, libraries, forum posts, user's notebook pages, blog posts, questions and answers or user profile pages. This search is reasonably effective but work is ongoing to improve it.

If there are any other suggestions to how the site might be better organised or features that we are missing please let us know. We are always grateful for feedback.

