Loading programs on mbed using only pins D+ and D-

17 Aug 2012

It might be a crazy idea, but because im learning i thought about the possibility of doing such a thing. get rid of the USB cable it comes with to load programs and do it with a USB wire directly to pins D+ and D-.Doing everything manual. If its possible i believe it would require a driver (im working under linux) just as a start. Any thoughts on this, ideas or suggestions?

17 Aug 2012

Would require a bootloader but don't see any reason it couldn't be done.

The 11U24 M0 has a USB mass storage bootloader built in :)so on it's own it act's like an mbed , but without the extra features the mbed chip provides.

17 Aug 2012

Is there any examples of any bootloader being used for this purpose? Any where i can find guidance? Thank you very much

17 Aug 2012

I havent seen examples of an lpc1768 usb boot loader but the 11u24 has it built in Ohararp did some boards recently

18 Aug 2012

All I've seen is how to use mbed as boot loader for an other device. But if i empty the drive and connect the mbed with USB on p31 and p32, first, its not recognized as anything (obvious), so how could a bootloader be initialized?. What Im trying to do is do everything manually; connect the embed to a computer and load a program designing the mbed as a USBHID, all without using the miniUSB cable