second CAN port!?

14 Feb 2012

Hello all,

I have been using the CAN bus on the 1768. After looking at the chip spec I see it has a second CAN bus. This would be perfect for an application I am currently working on. Has anyone had any joy using the second CAN bus?

If someone could let me know what is required to get the second CAN bus up and running that would be fantastic!

Thanks for your time, Steve

14 Feb 2012

Hi Steve,

Sure. Take a look at the example on:

For the dirty details of pinout options, take a look at this great table:

You should be able to just use the different pin numbers :)

Hope that helps,


14 Feb 2012

Hi Simon,

Just like that huh! Right under my nose >.<

Thanks for the information, I'll have a pay around with it soon.

Cheers, Steve