I really suffer for getting an rtos up and running. i was looking at QP combined with lwIP. These 2 combined looks like a fine system that delivers strict timing, tasks to run with priority, serial port, ethernet, ...
I found the QP-lwip example ( works well except some warnings ) in the online compiler.
OK its starts to do something with led1 and 2 but i cant find its IP address and it doesn't react on a dhcp server.
I just can't read the code i see before my eyes. It is very uncommented. I just can't get a grip on how the code
works. How it passes trough varibles. This is something i have with many projects i find here.
Is there no book. And i mean a coherent pdf file or something like that. In one piece. from easy to complex.
that goes over all the drivers we can use and how to set them to action. of separate file / driver
I do have allot of problems with the online stuff. I know it will be all here but it's explained in projects or code snippets from were i cant think of what the other programmer wrote. Everyone had its own way of getting things done ...
i would like a real book or pdf that explains what i am actually doiing.
I am used to program and understand most of the c language. c++ is totally new to me. In fact i come from 8051 assembly
programming. I do understand vectors, push pop, r0, r1, acc, ... stuff like that very wel.
c++ makes everything so unvisible and abstract.
Hi all,
I'm searching for a good RTOS. I found lots of them like freertos, scm, ... But the ports to mbed all suffer from 1 and the same error.
all of them give the error OS_Target_asm.s: error: A3900U: Unrecognized option '
gnu'. when you try to compile with keil.It compiles wel on the online toolchain but fails offline due to that error. Anyone any suggestions except try to use the gnu toolchain? I know that one will work but i use keil ...