recompile M3 code for M0?

26 Dec 2011

Hi Guys,

I've got a project which is now mostly built (hardware wise at least) but with the mbed being a reasonably pricey piece of kit to replace and as I'm not using anything which, at first glance, is incompatible with the M0 board, I was thinking about buying an M0 to replace my M3 semi-permanently in this project.

However, I don't know if the librarys I have used will be compatible, so I was wondering if there was any way of doing a check against my code to see if it'll work?



26 Dec 2011

Hi Matthew,

The core mbed SDK libraries (that are appropriate) should work fine on both the M3 and M0 with just a recompile, which also means most of the libraries for external peripherals and modules in the cookbook should work too "out of the box".

If you want some more sanity checking, i'm sure we/someone could certainly try compiling some things for you if you want to publish some examples.

Merry Christmas!


28 Dec 2011

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the offer, I've just noticed the lpcxpresso 1769 board which will possibly offer an easy and cheap solution for making something semi-permanent from my mbed prototype, so I think I'm going to have a go at getting one of those working instead of the M0 mbed.

