Serial Channels

22 Jun 2009

I noticed there are three physical RS232 channels available plus the USB option for communication with hyper terminal etc. I have configured the USB option and it works well as a debug and montroing channel.

I would however like to use an additional serial channel for use in the application. As it appears there are 3 physical TTL UARTS available how is it possible to make use of these, whilst retaining the USB UART link to the host PC.

I would for example like to retain the pc.prinf("hello"); functionality whilst perhaps using the TTL serial ones using UART0_tx(char data); and UART0_rx(); for example.

Is is possible to do this using the provided libraries ?

Dave Giles


22 Jun 2009

I have managed to set this up now.

The solution for two channels is ...

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
pc.printf("Hello world - channel PC via USB");

Serial UART0(13, 14);
UART0.printf("Hello world - channel UART0");

I would still like to know the values for the 'format'

Best Regards

David Giles


22 Jun 2009

Hopefully answered in