proper pin orientation of LPC1768

20 May 2011

Can anyone confirm the pin orientation of the LPC1768 parts? I put it on my board with the orientation matching the lettering and one of the 3 dots on the top. It appears based on the MBED board that the smaller of the 3 dots is actually the pin 1 mark meaning the chip label text is vertical not horizontal.


20 May 2011

Yes I had it rotated 90°!!! YIKES!! Why would they put the writing verticle...geeesh. Anyway I have it talking via FlashMagic. By the way this is an LCP1769 chip on a custom board. This project is a prototype to production excersize.

Thanks and hope this helps someone else. Matt

21 May 2011

The bottom small circle mark on left is indicating the pin 1 on downside

21 Feb 2013

I am very thankful to have found this. I pulled the same stunt and spend several hours trying to deal with cryptic IDE programming messages. This message helped me confirm which one of the three dots is pin 1. Thanks!!