Big Trak 2.0!

06 Jun 2009

I decided it was time for a Big Trak transplant! Here I've replaced the original pcb with a quick hack of a L293 H-bridge driver, an mbed and a bluetooth module. 

After reset, the mbed pretends to be a PC on Bluetooth so the phone sees it and I can connect. I'm using the Nokia Phone Presenter app which is usually used to control Powerpoint via another app on the PC. Instead, I just get the mbed to pretend to be the Nokia Presenter PC app, and the phone is none the wiser. This means the mbed can then detect the key presses from the phone, and then drive the motors! Big Trak 2.0!

07 Jun 2009

That is so cool!

The Nokia presenter hack is really neat - Needs to be written up in the cookbook as it could be reused for so many interactive things.

Maybe the next stage is for Big Trak to have some kind of payload to deploy/launch? :-)

07 Jun 2009

Chris Styles wrote:
Maybe the next stage is for Big Trak to have some kind of payload to deploy/launch? :-)
Some sort of rocket, perhaps? :D