I guess its a possibility that something is fried. I googled around and it seems neither SDCards nor the SPI bus are 5v tolerant, but in my experience the mbed has been quite forgiving of my mistakes.
Also, that first library will almost certainly not work with the 4GB card, but it should support the 1gb card. The library I referenced worked perfectly up to 16gb when I tested it...
Assuming the hookup is correct (which it appears so) and that the pins called out when you declare the object are correct (based on your wiring they should be p5, p6, p7, p8) then maybe you might want to try the other SPI port. I dont know if they are tied together internally causing 5v on one to blow them both but its worth a shot. Change your wiring to p11, p12, p13, p14 and rewire on to those pins. Also if you had another sdcard to swap while in running the correct voltage to see if that gives you any success.
Hi, I'm brand new to mbed...this is only my second day using it. I'm coming from about a year using arduinos...so anyway...I'm trying to get my sd card to work and I'm having no luck. Hopefully it's just something stupid I'm missing here.... I get this in my serial monitor (along with blinking LEDs on mbed:: Hello World! No disk, or could not put SD card in to SPI idle state Didn't get a response from the disk Set 512-byte block timed out Could not open file for write
Here is a pic of how I have it set up: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7072449/2011-02-10%2011.01.23.jpg
Here is the breakout board I bought: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/544
and I used this tutorial..wiring it up just as they say...importing that program right at the top and copying it to the mbed: http://mbed.org/cookbook/SD-Card-File-System
I've used two microSDs...both formatted FAT...one is from sanDisk, 1gig, and the other is from radio shack..just says MicroSD HC on it and it's 4gigs...
Thanks so much for any advice!