problem whith mbed

11 Apr 2012

hi I've got a problem, I am working on the mbed since 2 week, and until now that was ok. but today, and I don't know why, my mdeb doesn't work. i cand dowload a program on my mbed (the led flashes) and I can see the program on the mbed disk drive, but it does'nt run after reset (even a simple program to light a led). I have already try to clean the disk, then disconect/connect again, or to change the USb port. Please help Mat

11 Apr 2012

If you haven't already done so, you might want to try running through the steps discussed at this link:

edit: Ignore this post. I just saw that you already posted a comment to that page so you must have seen it :)

12 Apr 2012

Indeed but thank's. My last action was to try to write on the Microcontroller USB disk drive to storage data. And now when i delete all files, one file always comes back, and it is written that the file has been modified in 2042 -_-

12 Apr 2012

Depending on your OS, you may need to do more than just delete the files. You may also have to empty the "Recycle Bin" on Windows or the "Trash" on OS X. Without this step, you may not actually be freeing up space on a full device. That has happened to me on my Mac.