sparkfun lcd 8600 screen

19 Mar 2011

Hi everyone, next newbie problem for me, I've used the mbed example code and circuit diagram both from the mbed example and sparkfun datasheet but the screen is just a rather nice shade of blue? Any clues? I can see that most references refer to an lcd 6100 and my sparkfun board lcd 8600 does not physically look the same as the pics in the examples.

Thanks for any help Degs

19 Mar 2011

Well I've thoroughly re-checked all my connections: p5 - mosi - goes to DIO p7 - sclk - goes to SCK p8 - cs - goes to CS p9 - rst - goes to RESET

vout goes to 3.3v input gnd is gnd vbatt goes to supply at 4.7v

Still got a nice blue screen though?

20 Mar 2011

Hi again........still struggling with my new sparkfun 'Nokia' lcd? I've drilled down through the header files etc and the question I've got is that where lcd type is stated in the public - enum part of the header file as being 6100 or 6610 does this still apply to the latest sparkfun board as my board layout of components looks different to the board in the example? I'm still only getting a nice blue screen? I've checked the output voltage on the mosi line and its clearly doing something. Any suggestions?

20 Mar 2011

Ooooops found the problem.....wiring fault board is fubar now I suspect :-)