Problems with updating library documentation

14 Jul 2015


I am getting an API Error when attempting to update a library of mine (ms5611). I asked this question to the general community, but now directing it here.

Here is my previous thread:

And the library I have problems with updating the docs on:

Regards all, ...kevin

14 Jul 2015

It does show properly in published programs, but the API error when trying to update a library is normal now apparantly. I think many simply don't bother with reporting bugs anymore tbh. Just like the page errors which are still around, or the search which is in its most broken state ever, which is saying quite a bit about how broken it is.

16 Jul 2015

Same issue, it returns "An error occurred", but never specified which type of error....

Docs work only in my old programs, where it was generated a long time ago. Docs for new programs with almost same code doesn't work anymore.

20 Jul 2015

Hey mbed

This problem remains today - 6 days after the initial report!

I'm sure the focus is on mbed 3.0, but it appears that you have abandoned the legacy environment that many of us continue to rely on. Search comes and goes, we can't build documentation these days, and generally no comment in the forums on these issues...

Is there a better place to report these types issues to get attention on them?

07 Aug 2015

David, this particular problem is there for many months duplicate thread and duplicate question and unfortunately this is only place, where you can report bugs...