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Manual testing

You may want to run tests manually, for example if DAPLink is still under development. You will need to export your tests from Greentea and import them to your IDE. For example:

  1. Find the test directory:

    mbed test -m <new_target> -t gcc_arm --compile-list -n mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_ticker
  2. Copy the source code to the project root directory:

    cd <separate folder from existing porting project>
    cp -R mbed-os-example-blinky/mbed-os/TESTS/mbed_hal/common_tickers .
    cd common_tickers
    mbed new --create-only .
  3. Copy the mbed-os directory:

    cp -R ../mbed-os-example-blinky/mbed-os .
  4. Export to a makefile project:

    mbed export -i <exporter> -m <new_target>
  5. Flash the program with pyOCD (using the same configuration you used when you initially set up pyOCD.

  6. Run the program:

    # mbedhtrun --skip-flashing --skip-reset -p <serial port>:9600 -e mbed-os/TESTS/host_tests

    Customize the serial port path and baudrate as needed.

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