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Adding exporters

This is a guide for adding exporters to the Arm Mbed OS tools. First, this document describes what an exporter is and what rules it follows. Then, it covers the structure of the export subsystem and the individual exporter. Finally, this document gives some implementation suggestions.

Note: All paths are relative to https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/.

What an exporter is

An exporter is a Python plugin to the Mbed OS tools that converts a project using Arm Mbed CLI into one specialized for a particular IDE. For the best user experience, an exporter:

  • Takes input from the resource scan.
  • Uses the flags in the build profiles.
  • Has a single template file for each file type produced. For example, an Eclipse CDT project would have one template for .project files and one for .cproject files.
  • Does not call Mbed CLI. It is possible to export from the website, which does not include Mbed CLI in the resulting zip.

Export subsystem structure

The export subsystem is organized as a group of common code and a group of IDE or toolchain specific plugins.

The common code is contained in three files:

  • tools/project.py contains the command-line interface and handles the differences between Mbed OS 2 tests and Mbed OS 5 projects.
  • tools/export/__init__.py contains an API used by the Arm Mbed Online Compiler and project.py. This file is responsible for boilerplate actions that every exporter must do, such as scanning for resources or collecting toolchain flags.
  • tools/export/exporters.py contains the base class for all plugins. It offers useful exporter-specific actions.

An IDE or toolchain specific plugin is a Python class that inherits from the Exporter class and is listed in the tools/export/__init__.py exporter map.

Common code

The common code does two things: setting things up for the plugins, and providing a library of useful tools for plugins to use.


The setup code scans for the resources used in the export process and collects the configuration required to build the project.

These steps construct an object of one of the exporter plugin classes listed in the exporter map and populate that object with useful attributes, including:

  • toolchain - an mbedToolchain object that may be used to query the configuration of the toolchain.
    • toolchain.target - a Target object that may be use to query target configuration.
  • project_name - the name of the project.
  • flags - the flags that the mbedToolchain instance will use to compile the c/cpp/asm files if invoked.
  • resources - a Resources object that contains many lists of files that an exporter will find useful, such as C and Cpp sources and header search paths. The plugin should use only the attributes of the Resources object because the methods are only used during setup time. You can view all available Resources class attributes in tools/toolchains/__init__.py.

Plugin tools

The other half of the common code is a library for use by a plugin. This API includes:

  • gen_file use Jinja2 to generate a file from a template.
  • get_source_paths returns a list of directories that contain assembly, C, C++ files and so on.
  • group_project_files group all files passed in by their containing directory. The groups are suitable for an IDE.

Plugin code

Plugin code is contained within a subdirectory of the tools/export directory named after the IDE or toolchain that the plugin is exporting for.

For example, the uVision exporter's templates and Python code is contained within the directory tools/export/uvision and the Makefile exporter's code and templates within tools/export/makefile.

The Python code for the plugin is:

  1. Placed into an __init__.py file.
  2. Imported into tools/export/__init__.py.
  3. Added to the exporter map.

The generate method

Each exporter is expected to implement one method, generate, which is responsible for creating all of the required project files for the IDE or toolchain that the plugin targets.

This method may use any of the attributes and APIs included by the common code.

The is_target_supported class method

Each exporter reports its specific target support through a class method, is_target_supported. This class method is called with a target, and expected to return True when a target is supported by the exporter and False otherwise. Requesting an export to a target that is_target_supported returns False for is an error.

The TOOLCHAIN class variable

Each exporter reports its specific toolchain it will use to compile the source code through a class variable TOOLCHAIN.

The NAME class variable

Each exporter reports the name of the exporter through the class variable NAME. This matches the key in the tools/export/__init__.py exporter map.

The build static method

A plugin tested by CI must implement the build method.

This static method runs after generate on an class that inherits from Exporter. It is responsible for invoking the build tools that the IDE or toolchain needs when a user instructs it to compile. It must return 0 on success or -1 on failure.

Implementing an example plugin

This sections walks through implementing an exporter, my_makefile, which is a Makefile using one template.

You will create two files and discuss their contents: __init__.py with the Python plugin code, and Makefile.tmpl with the template.

As this plugin is named my_makefile, you will place all of the support code into tools/export/my_makefile.

Python code for __init__.py

First, make a class a subclass of Exporter:

from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter

class My_Makefile(Exporter):

Define the name, toolchain and target compatibility list. Class-level static variables contain these.

Name the exporter my_makefile:

NAME = 'my_makefile'

This exporter compiles with the GCC_ARM toolchain:


All targets the IDE supports are a subset of those TARGET_MAP contain. Import this map like this:

from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP

You can say the targets supported will be the subset of Mbed targets that support GCC_ARM:

def is_target_supported(cls, target_name):
    target = TARGET_MAP[target_name]
    return "GCC_ARM" in target.supported_toolchains

Implementing the generate method

To generate the Makefile, you need a list of object files the executable will use. You can construct the list from the sources if you replace the extensions with .o.

To do this, use the following Python code in the required generate method:

to_be_compiled = [splitext(src)[0] + ".o" for src in
                  self.resources.s_sources +
                  self.resources.c_sources +

Further, you may need to link against some libraries. Use the -l: GCC command-line syntax to specify the libraries:

libraries = ["-l:" + lib for lib in self.resources.libraries]

Now, construct a context for the Jinja2 template rendering engine by filling in the less complicated resources:

ctx = {
    'name': self.project_name,
    'to_be_compiled': to_be_compiled,
    'object_files': self.resources.objects,
    'include_paths': self.resources.inc_dirs,
    'library_paths': self.resources.lib_dirs,
    'linker_script': self.resources.linker_script,
    'libraries': libraries,
    'hex_files': self.resources.hex_files,

To render the template, pass the template file name, the context and the destination location within the exported project to the library-provided gen_file method:

self.gen_file('my_makefile/Makefile.tmpl', ctx, 'Makefile')


Now that you have a context object have passed control to the Jinja2 template rendering engine, you can look at the template Makefile, tools/export/my_makefile/Makefile.tmpl.

For more information, please see the documentation on what is available within a Jinja2 template.

# Project settings

PROJECT := {{name}}

# Project settings
# Objects and Paths

{% for obj in to_be_compiled %}OBJECTS += {{obj}}
{% endfor %}
{% for obj in object_files %} SYS_OBJECTS += {{obj}}
{% endfor %}
{% for path in include_paths %}INCLUDE_PATHS += -I{{path}}
{% endfor %}
LIBRARY_PATHS :={% for p in library_paths %} {{user_library_flag}}{{p}} {% endfor %}
LIBRARIES :={% for lib in libraries %} {{lib}} {% endfor %}
LINKER_SCRIPT := {{linker_script}}

# Objects and Paths
# Tools

AS      = arm_none_eabi_gcc -x assembler-with-cpp
CC      = arm_none_eabi_gcc -std=gnu99
CPP     = arm_none_eabi_gcc -std=gnu++98
LD      = arm_none_eabi_gcc

# Tools
# Rules

.PHONY: all lst size

all: $(PROJECT).bin $(PROJECT).hex size

	+@$(call MAKEDIR,$(dir $@))
	+@echo "Assemble: $(notdir $<)"
	@$(AS) -c $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -o $@ $<

	+@$(call MAKEDIR,$(dir $@))
	+@echo "Assemble: $(notdir $<)"
	@$(AS) -c $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -o $@ $<

	+@$(call MAKEDIR,$(dir $@))
	+@echo "Assemble: $(notdir $<)"
	@$(AS) -c $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -o $@ $<

	+@$(call MAKEDIR,$(dir $@))
	+@echo "Compile: $(notdir $<)"
	@$(CC) $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -o $@ $<

	+@$(call MAKEDIR,$(dir $@))
	+@echo "Compile: $(notdir $<)"
	@$(CPP) $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -o $@ $<

	+@echo "link: $(notdir $@)"
	@$(LD) -T $(filter %{{link_script_ext}}, $^) $(LIBRARY_PATHS) --output $@ $(filter %.o, $^) $(LIBRARIES)

Suggested implementation

There are several paths forward that can lead to an easily maintained exporter:

  • Specialize or alias the GNU Arm Eclipse exporter.
  • Specialize or alias the Eclipse + Make exporter.
  • Specialize the Make exporter.

GNU Arm Eclipse

If your IDE uses Eclipse and uses the GNU Arm Eclipse plugin, then specialize or alias your exporter with the generic GNU ARM Eclipse.


If you do not need any specialization of the export, then replace your exporters class in the EXPORT_MAP with the GNUARMEclipse class. For example, if KDS met all of these requirements, you could:

     'iar': iar.IAR,
     'embitz' : embitz.EmBitz,
     'coide' : coide.CoIDE,
+    'kds' : gnuarmeclipse.GNUARMEclipse,
     'simplicityv3' : simplicity.SimplicityV3,
     'atmelstudio' : atmelstudio.AtmelStudio,
     'sw4stm32'    : sw4stm32.Sw4STM32,


If you need more specialization and are using an Eclipse-based IDE and the GNU Arm Eclipse plugin, then your exporter class inherits from the GNUARMEclipse class. For example (with KDS again):

from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import GNUARMEcilpse

class KDS(GNUARMEcilpse):
     NAME = 'Kinetis Design Studio'

     def generate(self):
         """Generate eclipes project files, and some KDS specific files"""
         super(KDS, self).generate()

After inheriting from the GNUARMEclipse class, specialize the generate method in any way you need.

Eclipse + Make

If your IDE uses Eclipse and does not use the GNU Arm Eclipse plugin, you can use the "Unmanaged makefile" Eclipse exporter classes, EclipseGcc, EclipseArmc5 and EclipseIar. Much like the GNU Arm Eclipse section, you may decide to alias or specialize.


If your IDE is not Eclipse based but can still use a Makefile, then you can specialize the Makefile exporter. Specializing the Makefile is actually how Arm Mbed implemented the Eclipse + Make exporter.

Creating an exporter based on the Makefile exporter is a two-step process: inherit from the appropriate Makefile class, and call its generate method. Taking Eclipse + Make using GCC Arm as an example, your exporter looks like:

class EclipseGcc(GccArm):
    NAME = "Eclipse-GCC-ARM"

Your generate method looks similar to:

    def generate(self):
        """Generate Makefile, .cproject & .project Eclipse project file,
        py_ocd_settings launch file, and software link .p2f file
        super(EclipseGcc, self).generate()
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