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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
5  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
12  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef MBED_TDBSTORE_H
18 #define MBED_TDBSTORE_H
20 #include <stdint.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include "features/storage/kvstore/include/KVStore.h"
23 #include "features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h"
24 #include "features/storage/blockdevice/BufferedBlockDevice.h"
25 #include "PlatformMutex.h"
27 namespace mbed {
29 /** TDBStore class
30  *
31  * Lightweight Key Value storage over a block device
32  */
34 class TDBStore : public KVStore {
35 public:
37  static const uint32_t RESERVED_AREA_SIZE = 64;
39  /**
40  * @brief Class constructor
41  *
42  * @param[in] bd Underlying block device. The BlockDevice
43  * can be any BlockDevice with flash characteristics.
44  * If using a BlockDevice without flash, such as SDBlockDevice,
45  * please add the FlashSimBlockDevice on top of it.
46  *
47  * @returns none
48  */
49  TDBStore(BlockDevice *bd);
51  /**
52  * @brief Class destructor
53  *
54  * @returns none
55  */
56  virtual ~TDBStore();
58  /**
59  * @brief Initialize TDBStore. If data exists, TDBStore will check the data integrity
60  * on initialize. If the integrity checks fails, the TDBStore will use GC to collect
61  * the available data and clean corrupted and erroneous records.
62  *
63  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
64  * @returns Negative error code on failure.
65  */
66  virtual int init();
68  /**
69  * @brief Deinitialize TDBStore, release and free resources.
70  *
71  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
72  */
73  virtual int deinit();
76  /**
77  * @brief Reset TDBStore contents (clear all keys)
78  *
79  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
80  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
81  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
82  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
83  */
84  virtual int reset();
86  /**
87  * @brief Set one TDBStore item, given key and value.
88  *
89  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
90  * @param[in] buffer Value data buffer.
91  * @param[in] size Value data size.
92  * @param[in] create_flags Flag mask.
93  *
94  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
95  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
96  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
97  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
98  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
99  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE Invalid size given in function arguments.
100  * MBED_ERROR_MEDIA_FULL Not enough room on media.
101  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED Already stored with "write once" flag.
102  */
103  virtual int set(const char *key, const void *buffer, size_t size, uint32_t create_flags);
105  /**
106  * @brief Get one TDBStore item by given key.
107  *
108  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
109  * @param[in] buffer Value data buffer.
110  * @param[in] buffer_size Value data buffer size.
111  * @param[out] actual_size Actual read size.
112  * @param[in] offset Offset to read from in data.
113  *
114  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
115  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
116  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
117  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
118  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE Invalid size given in function arguments.
120  * MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND No such key.
121  */
122  virtual int get(const char *key, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *actual_size = NULL,
123  size_t offset = 0);
125  /**
126  * @brief Get information of a given key. The returned info contains size and flags
127  *
128  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
129  * @param[out] info Returned information structure.
130  *
131  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
132  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
133  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
134  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
136  * MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND No such key.
137  */
138  virtual int get_info(const char *key, info_t *info);
140  /**
141  * @brief Remove a TDBStore item by given key.
142  *
143  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
144  *
145  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
146  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
147  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
148  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
149  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
150  * MBED_ERROR_MEDIA_FULL Not enough room on media.
151  * MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND No such key.
152  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED Already stored with "write once" flag.
153  */
154  virtual int remove(const char *key);
157  /**
158  * @brief Start an incremental TDBStore set sequence. This operation is blocking other operations.
159  * Any get/set/remove/iterator operation will be blocked until set_finalize is called.
160  *
161  * @param[out] handle Returned incremental set handle.
162  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
163  * @param[in] final_data_size Final value data size.
164  * @param[in] create_flags Flag mask.
165  *
166  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
167  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
168  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
169  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
170  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
171  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE Invalid size given in function arguments.
172  * MBED_ERROR_MEDIA_FULL Not enough room on media.
173  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED Already stored with "write once" flag.
174  */
175  virtual int set_start(set_handle_t *handle, const char *key, size_t final_data_size, uint32_t create_flags);
177  /**
178  * @brief Add data to incremental TDBStore set sequence. This operation is blocking other operations.
179  * Any get/set/remove operation will be blocked until set_finalize will be called.
180  *
181  * @param[in] handle Incremental set handle.
182  * @param[in] value_data Value data to add.
183  * @param[in] data_size Value data size.
184  *
185  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
186  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
187  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
188  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
189  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE Invalid size given in function arguments.
190  */
191  virtual int set_add_data(set_handle_t handle, const void *value_data, size_t data_size);
193  /**
194  * @brief Finalize an incremental KVStore set sequence.
195  *
196  * @param[in] handle Incremental set handle.
197  *
198  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
199  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
200  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
201  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
202  */
203  virtual int set_finalize(set_handle_t handle);
205  /**
206  * @brief Start an iteration over KVStore keys.
207  * There are no issues with any other operations while iterator is open.
208  *
209  * @param[out] it Returned iterator handle.
210  * @param[in] prefix Key prefix (null for all keys).
211  *
212  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
213  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
214  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
215  */
216  virtual int iterator_open(iterator_t *it, const char *prefix = NULL);
218  /**
219  * @brief Get next key in iteration.
220  * There are no issues with any other operations while iterator is open.
221  *
222  * @param[in] it Iterator handle.
223  * @param[in] key Buffer for returned key.
224  * @param[in] key_size Key buffer size.
225  *
226  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
227  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
228  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from block device.
229  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
230  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE Invalid size given in function arguments.
232  * MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND No more keys found.
233  */
234  virtual int iterator_next(iterator_t it, char *key, size_t key_size);
236  /**
237  * @brief Close iteration.
238  *
239  * @param[in] it Iterator handle.
240  *
241  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
242  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
243  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
244  */
245  virtual int iterator_close(iterator_t it);
247  /**
248  * @brief Set data in reserved area, which is a special location for special data, such as ROT.
249  * The data written to reserved area can't be overwritten.
250  *
251  * @param[in] reserved_data Reserved data buffer.
252  * @param[in] reserved_data_buf_size
253  * Reserved data buffer size.
254  *
255  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
256  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
257  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
258  * MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED Unable to write to media.
259  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
260  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE Invalid size given in function arguments.
261  */
262  virtual int reserved_data_set(const void *reserved_data, size_t reserved_data_buf_size);
264  /**
265  * @brief Get data from reserved area, which is a special location for special data, such as ROT.
266  *
267  * @param[in] reserved_data Reserved data buffer.
268  * @param[in] reserved_data_buf_size
269  * Reserved data buffer size.
270  * @param[in] actual_data_size Return data size.
271  *
272  * @returns MBED_SUCCESS Success.
273  * MBED_ERROR_NOT_READY Not initialized.
274  * MBED_ERROR_READ_FAILED Unable to read from media.
275  * MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument given in function arguments.
277  * MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND No reserved data was written.
278  */
279  virtual int reserved_data_get(void *reserved_data, size_t reserved_data_buf_size,
280  size_t *actual_data_size = 0);
282 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
283 private:
285  typedef struct {
286  uint32_t address;
287  size_t size;
288  } tdbstore_area_data_t;
290  static const int _num_areas = 2;
291  static const int _max_open_iterators = 16;
293  PlatformMutex _mutex;
294  PlatformMutex _inc_set_mutex;
295  void *_ram_table;
296  size_t _max_keys;
297  size_t _num_keys;
298  BlockDevice *_bd;
299  BufferedBlockDevice *_buff_bd;
300  uint32_t _free_space_offset;
301  uint32_t _master_record_offset;
302  uint32_t _master_record_size;
303  bool _is_initialized;
304  int _active_area;
305  uint16_t _active_area_version;
306  size_t _size;
307  tdbstore_area_data_t _area_params[_num_areas];
308  uint32_t _prog_size;
309  uint8_t *_work_buf;
310  char *_key_buf;
311  void *_inc_set_handle;
312  void *_iterator_table[_max_open_iterators];
314  /**
315  * @brief Read a block from an area.
316  *
317  * @param[in] area Area.
318  * @param[in] offset Offset in area.
319  * @param[in] size Number of bytes to read.
320  * @param[in] buf Output buffer.
321  *
322  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
323  */
324  int read_area(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buf);
326  /**
327  * @brief Write a block to an area.
328  *
329  * @param[in] area Area.
330  * @param[in] offset Offset in area.
331  * @param[in] size Number of bytes to write.
332  * @param[in] buf Input buffer.
333  *
334  * @returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
335  */
336  int write_area(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, const void *buf);
338  /**
339  * @brief Reset an area (erase its start).
340  *
341  * @param[in] area Area.
342  *
343  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
344  */
345  int reset_area(uint8_t area);
347  /**
348  * @brief Erase an erase unit.
349  *
350  * @param[in] area Area.
351  * @param[in] offset Offset in area.
352  *
353  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
354  */
355  int erase_erase_unit(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset);
357  /**
358  * @brief Calculate addresses and sizes of areas.
359  */
360  void calc_area_params();
362  /**
363  * @brief Read a TDBStore record from a given location.
364  *
365  * @param[in] area Area.
366  * @param[in] offset Offset of record in area.
367  * @param[out] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
368  * @param[out] data_buf Data buffer.
369  * @param[in] data_buf_size Data buffer size.
370  * @param[out] actual_data_size Actual data size.
371  * @param[in] data_offset Offset in data.
372  * @param[in] copy_key Copy key to user buffer.
373  * @param[in] copy_data Copy data to user buffer.
374  * @param[in] check_expected_key Check whether key belongs to this record.
375  * @param[in] calc_hash Calculate hash (on key).
376  * @param[out] hash Calculated hash.
377  * @param[out] flags Record flags.
378  * @param[out] next_offset Offset of next record.
379  *
380  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
381  */
382  int read_record(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset, char *key,
383  void *data_buf, uint32_t data_buf_size,
384  uint32_t &actual_data_size, size_t data_offset, bool copy_key,
385  bool copy_data, bool check_expected_key, bool calc_hash,
386  uint32_t &hash, uint32_t &flags, uint32_t &next_offset);
388  /**
389  * @brief Write a master record of a given area.
390  *
391  * @param[in] area Area.
392  * @param[in] version Area version.
393  * @param[out] next_offset Offset of next record.
394  *
395  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
396  */
397  int write_master_record(uint8_t area, uint16_t version, uint32_t &next_offset);
399  /**
400  * @brief Copy a record from one area to the opposite one.
401  *
402  * @param[in] from_area Area to copy record from.
403  * @param[in] from_offset Offset in source area.
404  * @param[in] to_offset Offset in destination area.
405  * @param[out] to_next_offset Offset of next record in destination area.
406  *
407  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
408  */
409  int copy_record(uint8_t from_area, uint32_t from_offset, uint32_t to_offset,
410  uint32_t &to_next_offset);
412  /**
413  * @brief Garbage collection (compact all records from active area to the standby one).
414  *
415  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
416  */
417  int garbage_collection();
419  /**
420  * @brief Return record size given key and data size.
421  *
422  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
423  * @param[in] data_size Data size.
424  *
425  * @returns record size.
426  */
427  uint32_t record_size(const char *key, uint32_t data_size);
429  /**
430  * @brief Find a record given key
431  *
432  * @param[in] area Area.
433  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
434  * @param[out] offset Offset of record.
435  * @param[out] ram_table_ind Index in RAM table (target one if not found).
436  * @param[out] hash Calculated key hash.
437  *
438  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
439  */
440  int find_record(uint8_t area, const char *key, uint32_t &offset,
441  uint32_t &ram_table_ind, uint32_t &hash);
442  /**
443  * @brief Actual logics of get API (also covers all other get APIs).
444  *
445  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
446  * @param[in] copy_data Copy data to user buffer.
447  * @param[in] data_buf Buffer to store data on.
448  * @param[in] data_buf_size Data buffer size (bytes).
449  * @param[out] actual_data_size Actual data size (bytes).
450  * @param[out] flags Flags.
451  *
452  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
453  */
454  int do_get(const char *key, bool copy_data,
455  void *data_buf, uint32_t data_buf_size, uint32_t &actual_data_size,
456  uint32_t &flags);
458  /**
459  * @brief Actual logics of set API (covers also the remove API).
460  *
461  * @param[in] key Key - must not include '*' '/' '?' ':' ';' '\' '"' '|' ' ' '<' '>' '\'.
462  * @param[in] data_buf Data buffer.
463  * @param[in] data_buf_size Data buffer size (bytes).
464  * @param[in] flags Flags.
465  *
466  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
467  */
468  int do_set(const char *key, const void *data_buf, uint32_t data_buf_size, uint32_t flags);
470  /**
471  * @brief Build RAM table and update _free_space_offset (scanning all the records in the area).
472  *
473  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
474  */
475  int build_ram_table();
477  /**
478  * @brief Increment maximum number of keys and reallocate RAM table accordingly.
479  *
480  * @param[out] ram_table Updated RAM table.
481  *
482  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
483  */
484  int increment_max_keys(void **ram_table = 0);
486  /**
487  * @brief Calculate offset from start of erase unit.
488  *
489  * @param[in] area Area.
490  * @param[in] offset Offset in area.
491  * @param[out] offset_from_start Offset from start of erase unit.
492  * @param[out] dist_to_end Distance to end of erase unit.
493  *
494  * @returns offset in erase unit.
495  */
496  void offset_in_erase_unit(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset, uint32_t &offset_from_start,
497  uint32_t &dist_to_end);
499  /**
500  * @brief Check whether erase unit is erased (from offset until end of unit).
501  *
502  * @param[in] area Area.
503  * @param[in] offset Offset in area.
504  * @param[out] erased Unit is erased.
505  *
506  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
507  */
508  int is_erase_unit_erased(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset, bool &erased);
510  /**
511  * @brief Before writing a record, check whether you are crossing an erase unit.
512  * If you do, check if it's erased, and erase it if not.
513  *
514  * @param[in] area Area.
515  * @param[in] offset Offset in area.
516  * @param[in] size Write size.
517  * @param[in] force_check Force checking.
518  *
519  * @returns 0 for success, nonzero for failure.
520  */
521  int check_erase_before_write(uint8_t area, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size,
522  bool force_check = false);
524  /**
525  * @brief Get data from reserved area - worker function.
526  *
527  * @param[in] reserved_data Reserved data buffer (0 to return nothing).
528  * @param[in] reserved_data_buf_size
529  * Reserved data buffer size.
530  * @param[in] actual_data_size Return data size.
531  *
532  * @returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
533  */
534  int do_reserved_data_get(void *reserved_data, size_t reserved_data_buf_size,
535  size_t *actual_data_size = 0);
537  /**
538  * @brief Update all iterators after adding or deleting of keys.
539  *
540  * @param[in] added True if added, false if deleted.
541  * @param[in] ram_table_ind RAM table index.
542  *
543  * @returns none
544  */
545  void update_all_iterators(bool added, uint32_t ram_table_ind);
547 #endif
549 };
550 /** @}*/
552 } // namespace mbed
554 #endif
virtual int set_finalize(set_handle_t handle)
Finalize an incremental KVStore set sequence.
Holds key information.
Definition: KVStore.h:48
virtual ~TDBStore()
Class destructor.
A hardware device capable of writing and reading blocks.
Definition: BlockDevice.h:47
TDBStore(BlockDevice *bd)
Class constructor.
virtual int set_start(set_handle_t *handle, const char *key, size_t final_data_size, uint32_t create_flags)
Start an incremental TDBStore set sequence.
virtual int init()
Initialize TDBStore.
virtual int iterator_next(iterator_t it, char *key, size_t key_size)
Get next key in iteration.
virtual int iterator_open(iterator_t *it, const char *prefix=NULL)
Start an iteration over KVStore keys.
virtual int set_add_data(set_handle_t handle, const void *value_data, size_t data_size)
Add data to incremental TDBStore set sequence.
The PlatformMutex class is used to synchronize the execution of threads.
Definition: PlatformMutex.h:47
Block device for allowing minimal read and program sizes (of 1) for the underlying BD...
KVStore class.
Definition: KVStore.h:30
virtual int deinit()
Deinitialize TDBStore, release and free resources.
TDBStore class.
Definition: TDBStore.h:34
virtual int get_info(const char *key, info_t *info)
Get information of a given key.
virtual int reset()
Reset TDBStore contents (clear all keys)
virtual int reserved_data_set(const void *reserved_data, size_t reserved_data_buf_size)
Set data in reserved area, which is a special location for special data, such as ROT.
virtual int iterator_close(iterator_t it)
Close iteration.
virtual int reserved_data_get(void *reserved_data, size_t reserved_data_buf_size, size_t *actual_data_size=0)
Get data from reserved area, which is a special location for special data, such as ROT...
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