HaoZhang SID: 201199702

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Bullet/Bullet.h	Thu May 14 17:26:41 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#ifndef Bullet_H
+#define Bullet_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "Gamepad.h"
+#include "ETank.h"
+#include "MyTank.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include "vector"
+#include "list"
+/** Bullet Class
+ * @brief Create the bullets of tanks and set the bullets behavior and properties
+ * @author HaoZhang
+ * @date May, 2020
+ */
+class MyTank;
+class ETank;
+class Bullet
+ public:
+    /** Constructor */
+    Bullet();
+    /** Constructor 
+     *@param pad - get the direction of tank
+     *@param p - get the position of tank
+     */
+    Bullet(Gamepad &pad,Vector2D p);
+    /** update the bullet of player's tank
+     *@param lcd - Target Screen
+     *@param prem_d - Keep the bullets in the same direction 
+     */
+    void update(N5110 &lcd,Direction prem_d);
+    /** update the bullet of enemy's tank
+     *@param lcd - Target Screen
+     *@param e_d - Keep the bullets in the same direction 
+     */
+    void et_update(N5110 &lcd,Direction e_d);
+    /** It is used with bullet_collison to eliminate bullets
+     *@param x -  the value of bullet' x position
+     *@param y - the value of bullet' y position
+     */
+    void set_pos(int x,int y);
+    /**check if the bullet go out of the screen */  
+    bool destroy();
+    /**Check for collisions between bullets
+     *@param t_pos - the position of bullets
+     *@return the result of check
+     */  
+    bool destroyT(Vector2D t_pos);
+    /**Eliminate collision bullets
+     *@param lstBullets - the bullets of enemy
+     *@param mtbullet - the bullets of player
+    */
+    void bullet_collison(list<Bullet*> &lstBullets,list<Bullet*>&mtbullet);
+    /**get the position of bullets*/
+    Vector2D get_pos();
+ private:
+     int _x;
+     int _y; 
+     Direction m_d;
+     /** Used to store the direction of player's tank bullets*/
+     vector<Direction> v1;
+     /** Used to store the direction of enemy's tank bullets*/
+     vector<Direction> v2;
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