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diff -r e3affc9e7238 -r 5798e58a58b1 TARGET_LPC4088/LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TARGET_LPC4088/LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.h	Mon Aug 12 13:17:46 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+* $Id$		LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.h			2012-04-25
+ * @file     LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.h
+ *
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M4 Cortex-M3 Peripheral Access Layer Header File for
+ *           NXP LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.
+ * @version  V0.7
+ * @date     20. June 2012
+ * @author	NXP MCU SW Application Team
+* Copyright(C) 2012, NXP Semiconductor
+* All rights reserved.
+* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
+* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
+* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
+* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
+* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
+* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
+* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
+* use without further testing or modification.
+* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors'
+* relevant copyright in the software, without fee, provided that it
+* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+* this code.
+#ifndef __LPC407x_8x_177x_8x_H__
+#define __LPC407x_8x_177x_8x_H__
+#define CORE_M4
+// ##################
+// Code Red - excluded extern "C" as unrequired
+// ##################
+#if 0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* -------------------------  Interrupt Number Definition  ------------------------ */
+typedef enum IRQn
+/******  Cortex-M4 Processor Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************/
+  Reset_IRQn                    = -15,              /*!<   1  Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset                 */
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn           = -14,      /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                         */
+  HardFault_IRQn                = -13,              /*!<   3  Hard Fault, all classes of Fault                                 */
+  MemoryManagement_IRQn         = -12,      /*!< 4 Cortex-M3 Memory Management Interrupt          */
+  BusFault_IRQn                 = -11,      /*!< 5 Cortex-M3 Bus Fault Interrupt                  */
+  UsageFault_IRQn               = -10,      /*!< 6 Cortex-M3 Usage Fault Interrupt                */
+  SVCall_IRQn                   = -5,       /*!< 11 Cortex-M3 SV Call Interrupt                   */
+  DebugMonitor_IRQn             = -4,       /*!< 12 Cortex-M3 Debug Monitor Interrupt             */
+  PendSV_IRQn                   = -2,       /*!< 14 Cortex-M3 Pend SV Interrupt                   */
+  SysTick_IRQn                  = -1,       /*!< 15 Cortex-M3 System Tick Interrupt               */
+/******  LPC407x_8x_177x_8x Specific Interrupt Numbers *******************************************************/
+  WDT_IRQn                      = 0,        /*!< Watchdog Timer Interrupt                         */
+  TIMER0_IRQn                   = 1,        /*!< Timer0 Interrupt                                 */
+  TIMER1_IRQn                   = 2,        /*!< Timer1 Interrupt                                 */
+  TIMER2_IRQn                   = 3,        /*!< Timer2 Interrupt                                 */
+  TIMER3_IRQn                   = 4,        /*!< Timer3 Interrupt                                 */
+  UART0_IRQn                    = 5,        /*!< UART0 Interrupt                                  */
+  UART1_IRQn                    = 6,        /*!< UART1 Interrupt                                  */
+  UART2_IRQn                    = 7,        /*!< UART2 Interrupt                                  */
+  UART3_IRQn                    = 8,        /*!< UART3 Interrupt                                  */
+  PWM1_IRQn                     = 9,        /*!< PWM1 Interrupt                                   */
+  I2C0_IRQn                     = 10,       /*!< I2C0 Interrupt                                   */
+  I2C1_IRQn                     = 11,       /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                   */
+  I2C2_IRQn                     = 12,       /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                   */
+  Reserved0_IRQn                = 13,       /*!< Reserved                                         */
+  SSP0_IRQn                     = 14,       /*!< SSP0 Interrupt                                   */
+  SSP1_IRQn                     = 15,       /*!< SSP1 Interrupt                                   */
+  PLL0_IRQn                     = 16,       /*!< PLL0 Lock (Main PLL) Interrupt                   */
+  RTC_IRQn                      = 17,       /*!< Real Time Clock Interrupt                        */
+  EINT0_IRQn                    = 18,       /*!< External Interrupt 0 Interrupt                   */
+  EINT1_IRQn                    = 19,       /*!< External Interrupt 1 Interrupt                   */
+  EINT2_IRQn                    = 20,       /*!< External Interrupt 2 Interrupt                   */
+  EINT3_IRQn                    = 21,       /*!< External Interrupt 3 Interrupt                   */
+  ADC_IRQn                      = 22,       /*!< A/D Converter Interrupt                          */
+  BOD_IRQn                      = 23,       /*!< Brown-Out Detect Interrupt                       */
+  USB_IRQn                      = 24,       /*!< USB Interrupt                                    */
+  CAN_IRQn                      = 25,       /*!< CAN Interrupt                                    */
+  DMA_IRQn                      = 26,       /*!< General Purpose DMA Interrupt                    */
+  I2S_IRQn                      = 27,       /*!< I2S Interrupt                                    */
+  ENET_IRQn                     = 28,       /*!< Ethernet Interrupt                               */
+  MCI_IRQn                      = 29,       /*!< SD/MMC card I/F Interrupt                        */
+  MCPWM_IRQn                    = 30,       /*!< Motor Control PWM Interrupt                      */
+  QEI_IRQn                      = 31,       /*!< Quadrature Encoder Interface Interrupt           */
+  PLL1_IRQn                     = 32,       /*!< PLL1 Lock (USB PLL) Interrupt                    */
+  USBActivity_IRQn              = 33,       /*!< USB Activity interrupt                           */
+  CANActivity_IRQn              = 34,       /*!< CAN Activity interrupt                           */
+  UART4_IRQn                    = 35,       /*!< UART4 Interrupt                                  */
+  SSP2_IRQn                     = 36,       /*!< SSP2 Interrupt                                   */
+  LCD_IRQn                      = 37,       /*!< LCD Interrupt                                    */
+  GPIO_IRQn                     = 38,       /*!< GPIO Interrupt                                   */
+  PWM0_IRQn                     =  39,              /*!<  39  PWM0                                                             */
+  EEPROM_IRQn                   =  40,              /*!<  40  EEPROM                                                           */
+  CMP0_IRQn                     =  41,              /*!<  41  CMP0                                                             */
+  CMP1_IRQn                     =  42               /*!<  42  CMP1                                                             */
+} IRQn_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================      Processor and Core Peripheral Section     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+#ifdef CORE_M4
+/* ----------------Configuration of the cm4 Processor and Core Peripherals---------------- */
+#define __CM4_REV                 0x0000            /*!< Cortex-M4 Core Revision                                               */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT                  1            /*!< MPU present or not                                                    */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS               5            /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels                               */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig         0            /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used                          */
+#define __FPU_PRESENT                  1            /*!< FPU present or not                                                    */
+#include "core_cm4.h"                               /*!< Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals                              */
+/* Configuration of the Cortex-M3 Processor and Core Peripherals */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT             1         /*!< MPU present or not                               */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          5         /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels          */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0         /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used     */
+#include "core_cm3.h"                       /* Cortex-M3 processor and core peripherals           */
+#include "system_LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.h"                      /*!< LPC408x_7x System                                                     */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================       Device Specific Peripheral Section       ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
+#pragma anon_unions
+/*------------- General Purpose Direct Memory Access (GPDMA) -----------------*/
+typedef struct                          /* Common Registers                   */
+  __I  uint32_t IntStat;
+  __I  uint32_t IntTCStat;
+  __O  uint32_t IntTCClear;
+  __I  uint32_t IntErrStat;
+  __O  uint32_t IntErrClr;
+  __I  uint32_t RawIntTCStat;
+  __I  uint32_t RawIntErrStat;
+  __I  uint32_t EnbldChns;
+  __IO uint32_t SoftBReq;
+  __IO uint32_t SoftSReq;
+  __IO uint32_t SoftLBReq;
+  __IO uint32_t SoftLSReq;
+  __IO uint32_t Config;
+  __IO uint32_t Sync;
+} LPC_GPDMA_TypeDef;
+typedef struct                          /* Channel Registers                  */
+  __IO uint32_t CSrcAddr;
+  __IO uint32_t CDestAddr;
+  __IO uint32_t CLLI;
+  __IO uint32_t CControl;
+  __IO uint32_t CConfig;
+/*------------- System Control (SC) ------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t FLASHCFG;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Flash Accelerator Configuration Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[31];
+  __IO uint32_t PLL0CON;                    /*!< Offset: 0x080 (R/W)  PLL0 Control Register */
+  __IO uint32_t PLL0CFG;                    /*!< Offset: 0x084 (R/W)  PLL0 Configuration Register */
+  __I  uint32_t PLL0STAT;                   /*!< Offset: 0x088 (R/ )  PLL0 Status Register */
+  __O  uint32_t PLL0FEED;                   /*!< Offset: 0x08C ( /W)  PLL0 Feed Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[4];
+  __IO uint32_t PLL1CON;                    /*!< Offset: 0x0A0 (R/W)  PLL1 Control Register */
+  __IO uint32_t PLL1CFG;                    /*!< Offset: 0x0A4 (R/W)  PLL1 Configuration Register */
+  __I  uint32_t PLL1STAT;                   /*!< Offset: 0x0A8 (R/ )  PLL1 Status Register */
+  __O  uint32_t PLL1FEED;                   /*!< Offset: 0x0AC ( /W)  PLL1 Feed Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED2[4];
+  __IO uint32_t PCON;                       /*!< Offset: 0x0C0 (R/W)  Power Control Register */
+  __IO uint32_t PCONP;                      /*!< Offset: 0x0C4 (R/W)  Power Control for Peripherals Register */
+  __IO uint32_t PCONP1;                      /*!< Offset: 0x0C8 (R/W)  Power Control for Peripherals Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED3[13];
+  __IO uint32_t EMCCLKSEL;                  /*!< Offset: 0x100 (R/W)  External Memory Controller Clock Selection Register */
+  __IO uint32_t CCLKSEL;                    /*!< Offset: 0x104 (R/W)  CPU Clock Selection Register */
+  __IO uint32_t USBCLKSEL;                  /*!< Offset: 0x108 (R/W)  USB Clock Selection Register */
+  __IO uint32_t CLKSRCSEL;                  /*!< Offset: 0x10C (R/W)  Clock Source Select Register */
+  __IO uint32_t	CANSLEEPCLR;                /*!< Offset: 0x110 (R/W)  CAN Sleep Clear Register */
+  __IO uint32_t	CANWAKEFLAGS;               /*!< Offset: 0x114 (R/W)  CAN Wake-up Flags Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED4[10];
+  __IO uint32_t EXTINT;                     /*!< Offset: 0x140 (R/W)  External Interrupt Flag Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED5[1];
+  __IO uint32_t EXTMODE;                    /*!< Offset: 0x148 (R/W)  External Interrupt Mode Register */
+  __IO uint32_t EXTPOLAR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x14C (R/W)  External Interrupt Polarity Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED6[12];
+  __IO uint32_t RSID;                       /*!< Offset: 0x180 (R/W)  Reset Source Identification Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED7[7];
+  __IO uint32_t SCS;                        /*!< Offset: 0x1A0 (R/W)  System Controls and Status Register */
+  __IO uint32_t IRCTRIM;                    /*!< Offset: 0x1A4 (R/W) Clock Dividers                     */
+  __IO uint32_t PCLKSEL;                    /*!< Offset: 0x1A8 (R/W)  Peripheral Clock Selection Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED8;					
+  __IO uint32_t PBOOST;						/*!< Offset: 0x1B0 (R/W)  Power Boost control register */	   
+  __IO uint32_t SPIFICLKSEL;					
+  __IO uint32_t LCD_CFG;                    /*!< Offset: 0x1B8 (R/W)  LCD Configuration and clocking control Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED10[1];
+  __IO uint32_t USBIntSt;                   /*!< Offset: 0x1C0 (R/W)  USB Interrupt Status Register */
+  __IO uint32_t DMAREQSEL;                  /*!< Offset: 0x1C4 (R/W)  DMA Request Select Register */
+  __IO uint32_t CLKOUTCFG;                  /*!< Offset: 0x1C8 (R/W)  Clock Output Configuration Register */
+  __IO uint32_t RSTCON0;                    /*!< Offset: 0x1CC (R/W)  RESET Control0 Register */
+  __IO uint32_t RSTCON1;                    /*!< Offset: 0x1D0 (R/W)  RESET Control1 Register */
+       uint32_t RESERVED11[2];
+  __IO uint32_t EMCDLYCTL;                  /*!< Offset: 0x1DC (R/W) SDRAM programmable delays          */
+  __IO uint32_t EMCCAL;                     /*!< Offset: 0x1E0 (R/W) Calibration of programmable delays */
+ } LPC_SC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) ----------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MAC1;                   /* MAC Registers                      */
+  __IO uint32_t MAC2;
+  __IO uint32_t IPGT;
+  __IO uint32_t IPGR;
+  __IO uint32_t CLRT;
+  __IO uint32_t MAXF;
+  __IO uint32_t SUPP;
+  __IO uint32_t TEST;
+  __IO uint32_t MCFG;
+  __IO uint32_t MCMD;
+  __IO uint32_t MADR;
+  __O  uint32_t MWTD;
+  __I  uint32_t MRDD;
+  __I  uint32_t MIND;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
+  __IO uint32_t SA0;
+  __IO uint32_t SA1;
+  __IO uint32_t SA2;
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[45];
+  __IO uint32_t Command;                /* Control Registers                  */
+  __I  uint32_t Status;
+  __IO uint32_t RxDescriptor;
+  __IO uint32_t RxStatus;
+  __IO uint32_t RxDescriptorNumber;
+  __I  uint32_t RxProduceIndex;
+  __IO uint32_t RxConsumeIndex;
+  __IO uint32_t TxDescriptor;
+  __IO uint32_t TxStatus;
+  __IO uint32_t TxDescriptorNumber;
+  __IO uint32_t TxProduceIndex;
+  __I  uint32_t TxConsumeIndex;
+       uint32_t RESERVED2[10];
+  __I  uint32_t TSV0;
+  __I  uint32_t TSV1;
+  __I  uint32_t RSV;
+       uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
+  __IO uint32_t FlowControlCounter;
+  __I  uint32_t FlowControlStatus;
+       uint32_t RESERVED4[34];
+  __IO uint32_t RxFilterCtrl;           /* Rx Filter Registers                */
+  __I  uint32_t RxFilterWoLStatus;
+  __O  uint32_t RxFilterWoLClear;
+       uint32_t RESERVED5;
+  __IO uint32_t HashFilterL;
+  __IO uint32_t HashFilterH;
+       uint32_t RESERVED6[882];
+  __I  uint32_t IntStatus;              /* Module Control Registers           */
+  __IO uint32_t IntEnable;
+  __O  uint32_t IntClear;
+  __O  uint32_t IntSet;
+       uint32_t RESERVED7;
+  __IO uint32_t PowerDown;
+       uint32_t RESERVED8;
+  __IO uint32_t Module_ID;
+} LPC_EMAC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- LCD controller (LCD) -----------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t TIMH;                   /* LCD Registers                      */
+  __IO uint32_t TIMV;
+  __IO uint32_t POL;
+  __IO uint32_t LE;
+  __IO uint32_t UPBASE;
+  __IO uint32_t LPBASE;
+  __IO uint32_t CTRL;
+  __IO uint32_t INTMSK;
+  __I  uint32_t INTRAW;
+  __I  uint32_t INTSTAT;
+  __O  uint32_t INTCLR;
+  __I  uint32_t UPCURR;
+  __I  uint32_t LPCURR;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[115];
+  __IO uint32_t PAL[128];
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[256];
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_IMG[256];
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_CTRL;
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_CFG;
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_PAL0;
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_PAL1;
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_XY;
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_CLIP;
+       uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
+  __IO uint32_t CRSR_INTMSK;
+  __O  uint32_t CRSR_INTCLR;
+  __I  uint32_t CRSR_INTRAW;
+  __I  uint32_t CRSR_INTSTAT;
+} LPC_LCD_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Universal Serial Bus (USB) -----------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __I  uint32_t Revision;             /* USB Host Registers                 */
+  __IO uint32_t Control;
+  __IO uint32_t CommandStatus;
+  __IO uint32_t InterruptStatus;
+  __IO uint32_t InterruptEnable;
+  __IO uint32_t InterruptDisable;
+  __IO uint32_t HCCA;
+  __I  uint32_t PeriodCurrentED;
+  __IO uint32_t ControlHeadED;
+  __IO uint32_t ControlCurrentED;
+  __IO uint32_t BulkHeadED;
+  __IO uint32_t BulkCurrentED;
+  __I  uint32_t DoneHead;
+  __IO uint32_t FmInterval;
+  __I  uint32_t FmRemaining;
+  __I  uint32_t FmNumber;
+  __IO uint32_t PeriodicStart;
+  __IO uint32_t LSTreshold;
+  __IO uint32_t RhDescriptorA;
+  __IO uint32_t RhDescriptorB;
+  __IO uint32_t RhStatus;
+  __IO uint32_t RhPortStatus1;
+  __IO uint32_t RhPortStatus2;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[40];
+  __I  uint32_t Module_ID;
+  __I  uint32_t IntSt;               /* USB On-The-Go Registers            */
+  __IO uint32_t IntEn;
+  __O  uint32_t IntSet;
+  __O  uint32_t IntClr;
+  __IO uint32_t StCtrl;
+  __IO uint32_t Tmr;
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[58];
+  __I  uint32_t DevIntSt;            /* USB Device Interrupt Registers     */
+  __IO uint32_t DevIntEn;
+  __O  uint32_t DevIntClr;
+  __O  uint32_t DevIntSet;
+  __O  uint32_t CmdCode;             /* USB Device SIE Command Registers   */
+  __I  uint32_t CmdData;
+  __I  uint32_t RxData;              /* USB Device Transfer Registers      */
+  __O  uint32_t TxData;
+  __I  uint32_t RxPLen;
+  __O  uint32_t TxPLen;
+  __IO uint32_t Ctrl;
+  __O  uint32_t DevIntPri;
+  __I  uint32_t EpIntSt;             /* USB Device Endpoint Interrupt Regs */
+  __IO uint32_t EpIntEn;
+  __O  uint32_t EpIntClr;
+  __O  uint32_t EpIntSet;
+  __O  uint32_t EpIntPri;
+  __IO uint32_t ReEp;                /* USB Device Endpoint Realization Reg*/
+  __O  uint32_t EpInd;
+  __IO uint32_t MaxPSize;
+  __I  uint32_t DMARSt;              /* USB Device DMA Registers           */
+  __O  uint32_t DMARClr;
+  __O  uint32_t DMARSet;
+       uint32_t RESERVED2[9];
+  __IO uint32_t UDCAH;
+  __I  uint32_t EpDMASt;
+  __O  uint32_t EpDMAEn;
+  __O  uint32_t EpDMADis;
+  __I  uint32_t DMAIntSt;
+  __IO uint32_t DMAIntEn;
+       uint32_t RESERVED3[2];
+  __I  uint32_t EoTIntSt;
+  __O  uint32_t EoTIntClr;
+  __O  uint32_t EoTIntSet;
+  __I  uint32_t NDDRIntSt;
+  __O  uint32_t NDDRIntClr;
+  __O  uint32_t NDDRIntSet;
+  __I  uint32_t SysErrIntSt;
+  __O  uint32_t SysErrIntClr;
+  __O  uint32_t SysErrIntSet;
+       uint32_t RESERVED4[15];
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t I2C_RX;                 /* USB OTG I2C Registers              */
+  __O  uint32_t I2C_TX;
+  };
+  __IO  uint32_t I2C_STS;
+  __IO uint32_t I2C_CTL;
+  __IO uint32_t I2C_CLKHI;
+  __O  uint32_t I2C_CLKLO;
+       uint32_t RESERVED5[824];
+  union {
+  __IO uint32_t USBClkCtrl;             /* USB Clock Control Registers        */
+  __IO uint32_t OTGClkCtrl;
+  };
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t USBClkSt;
+  __I  uint32_t OTGClkSt;
+  };
+} LPC_USB_TypeDef;
+/*------------- CRC Engine (CRC) -----------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t MODE;
+  __IO uint32_t SEED;
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t SUM;
+  struct {
+  __O  uint32_t DATA;
+  struct {
+  __O  uint16_t DATA;
+       uint16_t RESERVED;
+  struct {
+  __O  uint8_t  DATA;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED[3];
+  };
+} LPC_CRC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) --------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t DIR;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
+  __IO uint32_t MASK;
+  __IO uint32_t PIN;
+  __IO uint32_t SET;
+  __O  uint32_t CLR;
+} LPC_GPIO_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  __I  uint32_t IntStatus;
+  __I  uint32_t IO0IntStatR;
+  __I  uint32_t IO0IntStatF;
+  __O  uint32_t IO0IntClr;
+  __IO uint32_t IO0IntEnR;
+  __IO uint32_t IO0IntEnF;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
+  __I  uint32_t IO2IntStatR;
+  __I  uint32_t IO2IntStatF;
+  __O  uint32_t IO2IntClr;
+  __IO uint32_t IO2IntEnR;
+  __IO uint32_t IO2IntEnF;
+/*------------- External Memory Controller (EMC) -----------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t Control;
+  __I  uint32_t Status;
+  __IO uint32_t Config;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[5];
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicControl;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRefresh;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicReadConfig;
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[1];
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRP;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRAS;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicSREX;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicAPR;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicDAL;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicWR;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRC;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRFC;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicXSR;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRRD;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicMRD;
+       uint32_t RESERVED2[9];
+  __IO uint32_t StaticExtendedWait;
+       uint32_t RESERVED3[31];
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicConfig0;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRasCas0;
+       uint32_t RESERVED4[6];
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicConfig1;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRasCas1;
+       uint32_t RESERVED5[6];
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicConfig2;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRasCas2;
+       uint32_t RESERVED6[6];
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicConfig3;
+  __IO uint32_t DynamicRasCas3;
+       uint32_t RESERVED7[38];
+  __IO uint32_t StaticConfig0;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWen0;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitOen0;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitRd0;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitPage0;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWr0;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitTurn0;
+       uint32_t RESERVED8[1];
+  __IO uint32_t StaticConfig1;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWen1;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitOen1;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitRd1;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitPage1;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWr1;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitTurn1;
+       uint32_t RESERVED9[1];
+  __IO uint32_t StaticConfig2;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWen2;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitOen2;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitRd2;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitPage2;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWr2;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitTurn2;
+       uint32_t RESERVED10[1];
+  __IO uint32_t StaticConfig3;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWen3;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitOen3;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitRd3;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitPage3;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitWr3;
+  __IO uint32_t StaticWaitTurn3;
+} LPC_EMC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Watchdog Timer (WDT) -----------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint8_t  MOD;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED0[3];
+  __IO uint32_t TC;
+  __O  uint8_t  FEED;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED1[3];
+  __I  uint32_t TV;
+       uint32_t RESERVED2;
+  __IO uint32_t WARNINT;
+  __IO uint32_t WINDOW;
+} LPC_WDT_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Timer (TIM) --------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x000 Interrupt Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t TCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x004 Timer Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t TC;                     /*!< Offset: 0x008 Timer Counter Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x00C Prescale Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t PC;                     /*!< Offset: 0x010 Prescale Counter Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x014 Match Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR0;                    /*!< Offset: 0x018 Match Register 0 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR1;                    /*!< Offset: 0x01C Match Register 1 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR2;                    /*!< Offset: 0x020 Match Register 2 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR3;                    /*!< Offset: 0x024 Match Register 3 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x028 Capture Control Register (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t CR0;                    /*!< Offset: 0x02C Capture Register 0 (R/ ) */
+  __I  uint32_t CR1;					/*!< Offset: 0x030 Capture Register 1 (R/ ) */
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
+  __IO uint32_t EMR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x03C External Match Register (R/W) */
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[12];
+  __IO uint32_t CTCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x070 Count Control Register (R/W) */
+} LPC_TIM_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) ---------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t IR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x000 Interrupt Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t TCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x004 Timer Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t TC;                     /*!< Offset: 0x008 Timer Counter Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t PR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x00C Prescale Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t PC;                     /*!< Offset: 0x010 Prescale Counter Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x014 Match Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR0;                    /*!< Offset: 0x018 Match Register 0 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR1;                    /*!< Offset: 0x01C Match Register 1 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR2;                    /*!< Offset: 0x020 Match Register 2 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR3;                    /*!< Offset: 0x024 Match Register 3 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t CCR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x028 Capture Control Register (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t CR0;                    /*!< Offset: 0x02C Capture Register 0 (R/ ) */
+  __I  uint32_t CR1;					/*!< Offset: 0x030 Capture Register 1 (R/ ) */
+  __I  uint32_t CR2;					/*!< Offset: 0x034 Capture Register 2 (R/ ) */
+  __I  uint32_t CR3;					/*!< Offset: 0x038 Capture Register 3 (R/ ) */
+       uint32_t RESERVED0;
+  __IO uint32_t MR4;					/*!< Offset: 0x040 Match Register 4 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR5;					/*!< Offset: 0x044 Match Register 5 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MR6;					/*!< Offset: 0x048 Match Register 6 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t PCR;					/*!< Offset: 0x04C PWM Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t LER;					/*!< Offset: 0x050 Load Enable Register (R/W) */
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[7];
+  __IO uint32_t CTCR;					/*!< Offset: 0x070 Counter Control Register (R/W) */
+} LPC_PWM_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UARTx) -----------*/
+/* There are three types of UARTs on the chip:
+(1) UART0,UART2, and UART3 are the standard UART.
+(2) UART1 is the standard with modem capability.
+(3) USART(UART4) is the sync/async UART with smart card capability.
+More details can be found on the Users Manual. */
+#if 0
+typedef struct
+  union {
+  __I  uint8_t  RBR;
+  __O  uint8_t  THR;
+  __IO uint8_t  DLL;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0;
+  };
+  union {
+  __IO uint8_t  DLM;
+  __IO uint32_t IER;
+  };
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t IIR;
+  __O  uint8_t  FCR;
+  };
+  __IO uint8_t  LCR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED1[7];
+  __I  uint8_t  LSR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED2[7];
+  __IO uint8_t  SCR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;
+  __IO uint8_t  ICR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  FDR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED5[7];
+  __IO uint8_t  TER;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED6[39];
+  __I  uint8_t  FIFOLVL;
+} LPC_UART_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+	union
+	{
+		__I  uint8_t  RBR;
+		__O  uint8_t  THR;
+		__IO uint8_t  DLL;
+		uint32_t RESERVED0;
+	};
+	union
+	{
+		__IO uint8_t  DLM;
+		__IO uint32_t IER;
+	};
+	union
+	{
+		__I  uint32_t IIR;
+		__O  uint8_t  FCR;
+	};
+	__IO uint8_t  LCR;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED1[7];//Reserved
+	__I  uint8_t  LSR;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED2[7];//Reserved
+	__IO uint8_t  SCR;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];//Reserved
+	__IO uint32_t ACR;
+	__IO uint8_t  ICR;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];//Reserved
+	__IO uint8_t  FDR;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED5[7];//Reserved
+	__IO uint8_t  TER;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED8[27];//Reserved
+	__IO uint8_t  RS485CTRL;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED9[3];//Reserved
+	__IO uint8_t  ADRMATCH;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED10[3];//Reserved
+	__IO uint8_t  RS485DLY;
+	uint8_t  RESERVED11[3];//Reserved
+	__I  uint8_t  FIFOLVL;
+typedef struct
+  union {
+  __I  uint8_t  RBR;
+  __O  uint8_t  THR;
+  __IO uint8_t  DLL;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0;
+  };
+  union {
+  __IO uint8_t  DLM;
+  __IO uint32_t IER;
+  };
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t IIR;
+  __O  uint8_t  FCR;
+  };
+  __IO uint8_t  LCR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED1[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  MCR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED2[3];
+  __I  uint8_t  LSR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
+  __I  uint8_t  MSR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  SCR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED5[3];
+  __IO uint32_t ACR;
+       uint32_t RESERVED6;
+  __IO uint32_t FDR;
+       uint32_t RESERVED7;
+  __IO uint8_t  TER;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED8[27];
+  __IO uint8_t  RS485CTRL;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED9[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  ADRMATCH;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED10[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  RS485DLY;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED11[3];
+  __I  uint8_t  FIFOLVL;
+} LPC_UART1_TypeDef;
+typedef struct
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t  RBR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 Receiver Buffer  Register (R/ ) */
+  __O  uint32_t  THR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 Transmit Holding Register ( /W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  DLL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 Divisor Latch LSB (R/W) */
+  };
+  union {
+  __IO uint32_t  DLM;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 Divisor Latch MSB (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  IER;                   /*!< Offset: 0x000 Interrupt Enable Register (R/W) */
+  };
+  union {
+  __I  uint32_t  IIR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x008 Interrupt ID Register (R/ ) */
+  __O  uint32_t  FCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x008 FIFO Control Register ( /W) */
+  };
+  __IO uint32_t  LCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x00C Line Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  MCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 Modem control Register (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t  LSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x014 Line Status Register (R/ ) */
+  __I  uint32_t  MSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x018 Modem status Register (R/ ) */
+  __IO uint32_t  SCR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x01C Scratch Pad Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  ACR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x020 Auto-baud Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  ICR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x024 irDA Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  FDR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x028 Fractional Divider Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  OSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x02C Over sampling Register (R/W) */
+  __O  uint32_t  POP;                   /*!< Offset: 0x030 NHP Pop Register (W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  MODE;                  /*!< Offset: 0x034 NHP Mode selection Register (W) */
+       uint32_t  RESERVED0[2];
+  __IO uint32_t  HDEN;                  /*!< Offset: 0x040 Half duplex Enable Register (R/W) */
+       uint32_t  RESERVED1;
+  __IO uint32_t  SCI_CTRL;				/*!< Offset: 0x048 Smart card Interface Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  RS485CTRL;             /*!< Offset: 0x04C RS-485/EIA-485 Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  ADRMATCH;              /*!< Offset: 0x050 RS-485/EIA-485 address match Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  RS485DLY;              /*!< Offset: 0x054 RS-485/EIA-485 direction control delay Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYNCCTRL;              /*!< Offset: 0x058 Synchronous Mode Control Register (R/W ) */
+  __IO uint32_t  TER;                   /*!< Offset: 0x05C Transmit Enable Register (R/W) */
+       uint32_t  RESERVED2[989];
+  __I  uint32_t  CFG;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFD4 Configuration Register (R) */
+  __O  uint32_t  INTCE;                 /*!< Offset: 0xFD8 Interrupt Clear Enable Register (W) */
+  __O  uint32_t  INTSE;                 /*!< Offset: 0xFDC Interrupt Set Enable Register (W) */
+  __I  uint32_t  INTS;                  /*!< Offset: 0xFE0 Interrupt Status Register (R) */
+  __I  uint32_t  INTE;                  /*!< Offset: 0xFE4 Interrupt Enable Register (R) */
+  __O  uint32_t  INTCS;                 /*!< Offset: 0xFE8 Interrupt Clear Status Register (W) */
+  __O  uint32_t  INTSS;                 /*!< Offset: 0xFEC Interrupt Set Status Register (W) */
+       uint32_t  RESERVED3[3];
+  __I  uint32_t  MID;                   /*!< Offset: 0xFFC Module Identification Register (R) */
+} LPC_UART4_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) -------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CONSET;                 /*!< Offset: 0x000 I2C Control Set Register (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t STAT;                   /*!< Offset: 0x004 I2C Status Register (R/ ) */
+  __IO uint32_t DAT;                    /*!< Offset: 0x008 I2C Data Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t ADR0;                   /*!< Offset: 0x00C I2C Slave Address Register 0 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t SCLH;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 SCH Duty Cycle Register High Half Word (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t SCLL;                   /*!< Offset: 0x014 SCL Duty Cycle Register Low Half Word (R/W) */
+  __O  uint32_t CONCLR;                 /*!< Offset: 0x018 I2C Control Clear Register ( /W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MMCTRL;                 /*!< Offset: 0x01C Monitor mode control register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t ADR1;                   /*!< Offset: 0x020 I2C Slave Address Register 1 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t ADR2;                   /*!< Offset: 0x024 I2C Slave Address Register 2 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t ADR3;                   /*!< Offset: 0x028 I2C Slave Address Register 3 (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t DATA_BUFFER;            /*!< Offset: 0x02C Data buffer register ( /W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MASK0;                  /*!< Offset: 0x030 I2C Slave address mask register 0 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MASK1;                  /*!< Offset: 0x034 I2C Slave address mask register 1 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MASK2;                  /*!< Offset: 0x038 I2C Slave address mask register 2 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MASK3;                  /*!< Offset: 0x03C I2C Slave address mask register 3 (R/W) */
+} LPC_I2C_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Real-Time Clock (RTC) ----------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint8_t  ILR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED0[7];
+  __IO uint8_t  CCR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED1[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  CIIR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED2[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  AMR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
+  __I  uint32_t CTIME0;
+  __I  uint32_t CTIME1;
+  __I  uint32_t CTIME2;
+  __IO uint8_t  SEC;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  MIN;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED5[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  HOUR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED6[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  DOM;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED7[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  DOW;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED8[3];
+  __IO uint16_t DOY;
+       uint16_t RESERVED9;
+  __IO uint8_t  MONTH;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED10[3];
+  __IO uint16_t YEAR;
+       uint16_t RESERVED11;
+  __IO uint32_t CALIBRATION;
+  __IO uint32_t GPREG0;
+  __IO uint32_t GPREG1;
+  __IO uint32_t GPREG2;
+  __IO uint32_t GPREG3;
+  __IO uint32_t GPREG4;
+  __IO uint8_t  RTC_AUXEN;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED12[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  RTC_AUX;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED13[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  ALSEC;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED14[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  ALMIN;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED15[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  ALHOUR;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED16[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  ALDOM;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED17[3];
+  __IO uint8_t  ALDOW;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED18[3];
+  __IO uint16_t ALDOY;
+       uint16_t RESERVED19;
+  __IO uint8_t  ALMON;
+       uint8_t  RESERVED20[3];
+  __IO uint16_t ALYEAR;
+       uint16_t RESERVED21;
+  __IO uint32_t ERSTATUS;
+  __IO uint32_t ERCONTROL;
+  __IO uint32_t ERCOUNTERS;
+       uint32_t RESERVED22;
+  __IO uint32_t ERFIRSTSTAMP0;
+  __IO uint32_t ERFIRSTSTAMP1;
+  __IO uint32_t ERFIRSTSTAMP2;
+       uint32_t RESERVED23;
+  __IO uint32_t ERLASTSTAMP0;
+  __IO uint32_t ERLASTSTAMP1;
+  __IO uint32_t ERLASTSTAMP2;
+} LPC_RTC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Pin Connect Block (PINCON) -----------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t P0_0;				/* 0x000 */
+  __IO uint32_t P0_1;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_2;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_3;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_4;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_5;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_6;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_7;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_8;				/* 0x020 */
+  __IO uint32_t P0_9;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_10;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_11;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_12;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_13;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_14;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_15;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_16;				/* 0x040 */
+  __IO uint32_t P0_17;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_18;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_19;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_20;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_21;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_22;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_23;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_24;				/* 0x060 */
+  __IO uint32_t P0_25;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_26;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_27;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_28;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_29;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_30;
+  __IO uint32_t P0_31;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_0;				/* 0x080 */
+  __IO uint32_t P1_1;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_2;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_3;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_4;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_5;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_6;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_7;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_8;				/* 0x0A0 */
+  __IO uint32_t P1_9;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_10;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_11;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_12;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_13;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_14;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_15;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_16;				/* 0x0C0 */
+  __IO uint32_t P1_17;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_18;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_19;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_20;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_21;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_22;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_23;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_24;				/* 0x0E0 */
+  __IO uint32_t P1_25;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_26;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_27;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_28;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_29;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_30;
+  __IO uint32_t P1_31;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_0;				/* 0x100 */
+  __IO uint32_t P2_1;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_2;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_3;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_4;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_5;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_6;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_7;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_8;				/* 0x120 */
+  __IO uint32_t P2_9;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_10;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_11;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_12;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_13;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_14;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_15;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_16;				/* 0x140 */
+  __IO uint32_t P2_17;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_18;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_19;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_20;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_21;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_22;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_23;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_24;				/* 0x160 */
+  __IO uint32_t P2_25;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_26;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_27;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_28;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_29;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_30;
+  __IO uint32_t P2_31;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_0;				/* 0x180 */
+  __IO uint32_t P3_1;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_2;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_3;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_4;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_5;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_6;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_7;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_8;				/* 0x1A0 */
+  __IO uint32_t P3_9;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_10;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_11;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_12;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_13;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_14;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_15;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_16;				/* 0x1C0 */
+  __IO uint32_t P3_17;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_18;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_19;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_20;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_21;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_22;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_23;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_24;				/* 0x1E0 */
+  __IO uint32_t P3_25;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_26;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_27;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_28;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_29;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_30;
+  __IO uint32_t P3_31;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_0;				/* 0x200 */
+  __IO uint32_t P4_1;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_2;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_3;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_4;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_5;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_6;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_7;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_8;				/* 0x220 */
+  __IO uint32_t P4_9;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_10;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_11;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_12;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_13;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_14;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_15;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_16;				/* 0x240 */
+  __IO uint32_t P4_17;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_18;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_19;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_20;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_21;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_22;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_23;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_24;				/* 0x260 */
+  __IO uint32_t P4_25;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_26;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_27;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_28;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_29;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_30;
+  __IO uint32_t P4_31;
+  __IO uint32_t P5_0;				/* 0x280 */
+  __IO uint32_t P5_1;
+  __IO uint32_t P5_2;
+  __IO uint32_t P5_3;
+  __IO uint32_t P5_4;				/* 0x290 */
+} LPC_IOCON_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Synchronous Serial Communication (SSP) -----------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR0;                    /*!< Offset: 0x000 Control Register 0 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;                    /*!< Offset: 0x004 Control Register 1 (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x008 Data Register (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t SR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x00C Status Registe (R/ ) */
+  __IO uint32_t CPSR;                   /*!< Offset: 0x010 Clock Prescale Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t IMSC;                   /*!< Offset: 0x014 Interrupt Mask Set and Clear Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t RIS;                    /*!< Offset: 0x018 Raw Interrupt Status Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t MIS;                    /*!< Offset: 0x01C Masked Interrupt Status Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t ICR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x020 SSPICR Interrupt Clear Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t DMACR;
+} LPC_SSP_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ----------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;                     /*!< Offset: 0x000       A/D Control Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t GDR;                    /*!< Offset: 0x004       A/D Global Data Register (R/W) */
+       uint32_t RESERVED0;
+  __IO uint32_t INTEN;                  /*!< Offset: 0x00C       A/D Interrupt Enable Register (R/W) */
+  __IO uint32_t DR[8];                  /*!< Offset: 0x010-0x02C A/D Channel 0..7 Data Register (R/W) */
+  __I  uint32_t STAT;                   /*!< Offset: 0x030       A/D Status Register (R/ ) */
+  __IO uint32_t ADTRM;
+} LPC_ADC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Controller Area Network (CAN) --------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t mask[512];              /* ID Masks                           */
+typedef struct                          /* Acceptance Filter Registers        */
+	///Offset: 0x00000000 - Acceptance Filter Register
+	__IO uint32_t AFMR;
+	///Offset: 0x00000004 - Standard Frame Individual Start Address Register
+	__IO uint32_t SFF_sa;
+	///Offset: 0x00000008 - Standard Frame Group Start Address Register
+	__IO uint32_t SFF_GRP_sa;
+	///Offset: 0x0000000C - Extended Frame Start Address Register
+	__IO uint32_t EFF_sa;
+	///Offset: 0x00000010 - Extended Frame Group Start Address Register
+	__IO uint32_t EFF_GRP_sa;
+	///Offset: 0x00000014 - End of AF Tables register
+	__IO uint32_t ENDofTable;
+	///Offset: 0x00000018 - LUT Error Address register
+	__I  uint32_t LUTerrAd;
+	///Offset: 0x0000001C - LUT Error Register
+	__I  uint32_t LUTerr;
+	///Offset: 0x00000020 - CAN Central Transmit Status Register
+	__IO uint32_t FCANIE;
+	///Offset: 0x00000024 - FullCAN Interrupt and Capture registers 0
+	__IO uint32_t FCANIC0;
+	///Offset: 0x00000028 - FullCAN Interrupt and Capture registers 1
+	__IO uint32_t FCANIC1;
+} LPC_CANAF_TypeDef;
+typedef struct                          /* Central Registers                  */
+  __I  uint32_t TxSR;
+  __I  uint32_t RxSR;
+  __I  uint32_t MSR;
+} LPC_CANCR_TypeDef;
+typedef struct                          /* Controller Registers               */
+	///Offset: 0x00000000 - Controls the operating mode of the CAN Controller
+	__IO uint32_t MOD;
+	///Offset: 0x00000004 - Command bits that affect the state
+	__O  uint32_t CMR;
+	///Offset: 0x00000008 - Global Controller Status and Error Counters
+	__IO uint32_t GSR;
+	///Offset: 0x0000000C - Interrupt status, Arbitration Lost Capture, Error Code Capture
+	__I  uint32_t ICR;
+	///Offset: 0x00000010 - Interrupt Enable Register
+	__IO uint32_t IER;
+	///Offset: 0x00000014 - Bus Timing Register
+	__IO uint32_t BTR;
+	///Offset: 0x00000018 - Error Warning Limit
+	__IO uint32_t EWL;
+	///Offset: 0x0000001C - Status Register
+	__I  uint32_t SR;
+	///Offset: 0x00000020 - Receive frame status
+	__IO uint32_t RFS;
+	///Offset: 0x00000024 - Received Identifier
+	__IO uint32_t RID;
+	///Offset: 0x00000028 - Received data bytes 1-4
+	__IO uint32_t RDA;
+	///Offset: 0x0000002C - Received data bytes 5-8
+	__IO uint32_t RDB;
+	///Offset: 0x00000030 - Transmit frame info (Tx Buffer 1)
+	__IO uint32_t TFI1;
+	///Offset: 0x00000034 - Transmit Identifier (Tx Buffer 1)
+	__IO uint32_t TID1;
+	///Offset: 0x00000038 - Transmit data bytes 1-4 (Tx Buffer 1)
+	__IO uint32_t TDA1;
+	///Offset: 0x0000003C - Transmit data bytes 5-8 (Tx Buffer 1)
+	__IO uint32_t TDB1;
+	///Offset: 0x00000040 - Transmit frame info (Tx Buffer 2)
+	__IO uint32_t TFI2;
+	///Offset: 0x00000044 - Transmit Identifier (Tx Buffer 2)
+	__IO uint32_t TID2;
+	///Offset: 0x00000048 - Transmit data bytes 1-4 (Tx Buffer 2)
+	__IO uint32_t TDA2;
+	///Offset: 0x0000004C - Transmit data bytes 5-8 (Tx Buffer 2)
+	__IO uint32_t TDB2;
+	///Offset: 0x00000050 - Transmit frame info (Tx Buffer 3)
+	__IO uint32_t TFI3;
+	///Offset: 0x00000054 - Transmit Identifier (Tx Buffer 3)
+	__IO uint32_t TID3;
+	///Offset: 0x00000058 - Transmit data bytes 1-4 (Tx Buffer 3)
+	__IO uint32_t TDA3;
+	///Offset: 0x0000005C - Transmit data bytes 5-8 (Tx Buffer 3)
+	__IO uint32_t TDB3;
+} LPC_CAN_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) ----------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR;
+  __IO uint32_t CTRL;
+  __IO uint32_t CNTVAL;
+} LPC_DAC_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Inter IC Sound (I2S) -----------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t DAO;
+  __IO uint32_t DAI;
+  __O  uint32_t TXFIFO;
+  __I  uint32_t RXFIFO;
+  __I  uint32_t STATE;
+  __IO uint32_t DMA1;
+  __IO uint32_t DMA2;
+  __IO uint32_t IRQ;
+  __IO uint32_t TXRATE;
+  __IO uint32_t RXRATE;
+  __IO uint32_t TXBITRATE;
+  __IO uint32_t RXBITRATE;
+  __IO uint32_t TXMODE;
+  __IO uint32_t RXMODE;
+} LPC_I2S_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Motor Control Pulse-Width Modulation (MCPWM) -----------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __I  uint32_t CON;
+  __O  uint32_t CON_SET;
+  __O  uint32_t CON_CLR;
+  __I  uint32_t CAPCON;
+  __O  uint32_t CAPCON_SET;
+  __O  uint32_t CAPCON_CLR;
+  __IO uint32_t TC0;
+  __IO uint32_t TC1;
+  __IO uint32_t TC2;
+  __IO uint32_t LIM0;
+  __IO uint32_t LIM1;
+  __IO uint32_t LIM2;
+  __IO uint32_t MAT0;
+  __IO uint32_t MAT1;
+  __IO uint32_t MAT2;
+  __IO uint32_t DT;
+  __IO uint32_t CP;
+  __IO uint32_t CAP0;
+  __IO uint32_t CAP1;
+  __IO uint32_t CAP2;
+  __I  uint32_t INTEN;
+  __O  uint32_t INTEN_SET;
+  __O  uint32_t INTEN_CLR;
+  __I  uint32_t CNTCON;
+  __O  uint32_t CNTCON_SET;
+  __O  uint32_t CNTCON_CLR;
+  __I  uint32_t INTF;
+  __O  uint32_t INTF_SET;
+  __O  uint32_t INTF_CLR;
+  __O  uint32_t CAP_CLR;
+} LPC_MCPWM_TypeDef;
+/*------------- Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) ---------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __O  uint32_t CON;
+  __I  uint32_t STAT;
+  __IO uint32_t CONF;
+  __I  uint32_t POS;
+  __IO uint32_t MAXPOS;
+  __IO uint32_t CMPOS0;
+  __IO uint32_t CMPOS1;
+  __IO uint32_t CMPOS2;
+  __I  uint32_t INXCNT;
+  __IO uint32_t INXCMP0;
+  __IO uint32_t LOAD;
+  __I  uint32_t TIME;
+  __I  uint32_t VEL;
+  __I  uint32_t CAP;
+  __IO uint32_t VELCOMP;
+  __IO uint32_t FILTERPHA;
+  __IO uint32_t FILTERPHB;
+  __IO uint32_t FILTERINX;
+  __IO uint32_t WINDOW;
+  __IO uint32_t INXCMP1;
+  __IO uint32_t INXCMP2;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[993];
+  __O  uint32_t IEC;
+  __O  uint32_t IES;
+  __I  uint32_t INTSTAT;
+  __I  uint32_t IE;
+  __O  uint32_t CLR;
+  __O  uint32_t SET;
+} LPC_QEI_TypeDef;
+/*------------- SD/MMC card Interface (MCI)-----------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t POWER;
+  __IO uint32_t CLOCK;
+  __IO uint32_t ARGUMENT;
+  __IO uint32_t COMMAND;
+  __I  uint32_t RESP_CMD;
+  __I  uint32_t RESP0;
+  __I  uint32_t RESP1;
+  __I  uint32_t RESP2;
+  __I  uint32_t RESP3;
+  __IO uint32_t DATATMR;
+  __IO uint32_t DATALEN;
+  __IO uint32_t DATACTRL;
+  __I  uint32_t DATACNT;
+  __I  uint32_t STATUS;
+  __O  uint32_t CLEAR;
+  __IO uint32_t MASK0;
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
+  __I  uint32_t FIFOCNT;
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[13];
+  __IO uint32_t FIFO[16];
+} LPC_MCI_TypeDef;
+/*------------- EEPROM Controller (EEPROM) -----------------------------------*/
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CMD;			/* 0x0080 */
+  __IO uint32_t ADDR;
+  __IO uint32_t WDATA;
+  __IO uint32_t RDATA;
+  __IO uint32_t WSTATE;			/* 0x0090 */
+  __IO uint32_t CLKDIV;
+  __IO uint32_t PWRDWN;			/* 0x0098 */
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[975];
+  __IO uint32_t INT_CLR_ENABLE;	/* 0x0FD8 */
+  __IO uint32_t INT_SET_ENABLE;
+  __IO uint32_t INT_STATUS;		/* 0x0FE0 */
+  __IO uint32_t INT_ENABLE;
+  __IO uint32_t INT_CLR_STATUS;
+  __IO uint32_t INT_SET_STATUS;
+} LPC_EEPROM_TypeDef;
+/*------------- COMPARATOR ----------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< (@ 0x40020000) COMPARATOR Structure                                   */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL;                              /*!< (@ 0x40020000) Comparator block control register                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL0;                             /*!< (@ 0x40020004) Comparator 0 control register                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL1;                             /*!< (@ 0x40020008) Comparator 1 control register                          */
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
+#pragma no_anon_unions
+/*                         Peripheral memory map                              */
+/* Base addresses                                                             */
+#define LPC_FLASH_BASE        (0x00000000UL)
+#define LPC_RAM_BASE          (0x10000000UL)
+#define LPC_PERI_RAM_BASE     (0x20000000UL)
+#define LPC_APB0_BASE         (0x40000000UL)
+#define LPC_APB1_BASE         (0x40080000UL)
+#define LPC_AHBRAM1_BASE      (0x20004000UL)
+#define LPC_AHB_BASE          (0x20080000UL)
+#define LPC_CM3_BASE          (0xE0000000UL)
+/* APB0 peripherals                                                           */
+#define LPC_WDT_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x00000)
+#define LPC_TIM0_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x04000)
+#define LPC_TIM1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x08000)
+#define LPC_UART0_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x0C000)
+#define LPC_UART1_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x10000)
+#define LPC_PWM0_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x14000)
+#define LPC_PWM1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x18000)
+#define LPC_I2C0_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x1C000)
+#define LPC_COMPARATOR_BASE   (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x20000)					
+#define LPC_RTC_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x24000)
+#define LPC_GPIOINT_BASE      (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x28080)
+#define LPC_IOCON_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x2C000)
+#define LPC_SSP1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x30000)
+#define LPC_ADC_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x34000)
+#define LPC_CANAF_RAM_BASE    (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x38000)
+#define LPC_CANAF_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x3C000)
+#define LPC_CANCR_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x40000)
+#define LPC_CAN1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x44000)
+#define LPC_CAN2_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x48000)
+#define LPC_I2C1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x5C000)
+/* APB1 peripherals                                                           */
+#define LPC_SSP0_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x08000)
+#define LPC_DAC_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x0C000)
+#define LPC_TIM2_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x10000)
+#define LPC_TIM3_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x14000)
+#define LPC_UART2_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x18000)
+#define LPC_UART3_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x1C000)
+#define LPC_I2C2_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x20000)
+#define LPC_UART4_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x24000)
+#define LPC_I2S_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x28000)
+#define LPC_SSP2_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x2C000)
+#define LPC_MCPWM_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x38000)
+#define LPC_QEI_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x3C000)
+#define LPC_MCI_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x40000)
+#define LPC_SC_BASE           (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x7C000)
+/* AHB peripherals                                                            */
+#define LPC_GPDMA_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00000)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00100)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH1_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00120)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH2_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00140)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH3_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00160)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH4_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00180)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH5_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x001A0)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH6_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x001C0)
+#define LPC_GPDMACH7_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x001E0)
+#define LPC_EMAC_BASE         (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04000)
+#define LPC_LCD_BASE          (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x08000)
+#define LPC_USB_BASE          (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x0C000)
+#define LPC_CRC_BASE          (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x10000)
+#define LPC_GPIO0_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x18000)
+#define LPC_GPIO1_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x18020)
+#define LPC_GPIO2_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x18040)
+#define LPC_GPIO3_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x18060)
+#define LPC_GPIO4_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x18080)
+#define LPC_GPIO5_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x180A0)
+#define LPC_EMC_BASE          (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x1C000)
+#define LPC_EEPROM_BASE       (LPC_FLASH_BASE+ 0x200080)
+/*                         Peripheral declaration                             */
+#define LPC_SC                ((LPC_SC_TypeDef        *) LPC_SC_BASE       )
+#define LPC_WDT               ((LPC_WDT_TypeDef       *) LPC_WDT_BASE      )
+#define LPC_TIM0              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM0_BASE     )
+#define LPC_TIM1              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM1_BASE     )
+#define LPC_TIM2              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM2_BASE     )
+#define LPC_TIM3              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM3_BASE     )
+#define LPC_UART0             ((LPC_UART_TypeDef      *) LPC_UART0_BASE    )
+#define LPC_UART1             ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef     *) LPC_UART1_BASE    )
+#define LPC_UART2             ((LPC_UART_TypeDef      *) LPC_UART2_BASE    )
+#define LPC_UART3             ((LPC_UART_TypeDef      *) LPC_UART3_BASE    )
+#define LPC_UART4             ((LPC_UART4_TypeDef     *) LPC_UART4_BASE    )
+#define LPC_PWM0              ((LPC_PWM_TypeDef       *) LPC_PWM0_BASE     )
+#define LPC_PWM1              ((LPC_PWM_TypeDef       *) LPC_PWM1_BASE     )
+#define LPC_I2C0              ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2C0_BASE     )
+#define LPC_I2C1              ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2C1_BASE     )
+#define LPC_I2C2              ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2C2_BASE     )
+#define LPC_I2S               ((LPC_I2S_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2S_BASE      )
+#define LPC_RTC               ((LPC_RTC_TypeDef       *) LPC_RTC_BASE      )
+#define LPC_GPIOINT           ((LPC_GPIOINT_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPIOINT_BASE  )
+#define LPC_IOCON             ((LPC_IOCON_TypeDef     *) LPC_IOCON_BASE    )
+#define LPC_SSP0              ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef       *) LPC_SSP0_BASE     )
+#define LPC_SSP1              ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef       *) LPC_SSP1_BASE     )
+#define LPC_SSP2              ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef       *) LPC_SSP2_BASE     )
+#define LPC_ADC               ((LPC_ADC_TypeDef       *) LPC_ADC_BASE      )
+#define LPC_DAC               ((LPC_DAC_TypeDef       *) LPC_DAC_BASE      )
+#define LPC_CANAF             ((LPC_CANAF_TypeDef     *) LPC_CANAF_BASE    )
+#define LPC_CANCR             ((LPC_CANCR_TypeDef     *) LPC_CANCR_BASE    )
+#define LPC_CAN1              ((LPC_CAN_TypeDef       *) LPC_CAN1_BASE     )
+#define LPC_CAN2              ((LPC_CAN_TypeDef       *) LPC_CAN2_BASE     )
+#define LPC_MCPWM             ((LPC_MCPWM_TypeDef     *) LPC_MCPWM_BASE    )
+#define LPC_QEI               ((LPC_QEI_TypeDef       *) LPC_QEI_BASE      )
+#define LPC_MCI               ((LPC_MCI_TypeDef       *) LPC_MCI_BASE      )
+#define LPC_GPDMA             ((LPC_GPDMA_TypeDef     *) LPC_GPDMA_BASE    )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH0          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH1          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH1_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH2          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH2_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH3          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH3_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH4          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH4_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH5          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH5_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH6          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH6_BASE )
+#define LPC_GPDMACH7          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH7_BASE )
+#define LPC_EMAC              ((LPC_EMAC_TypeDef      *) LPC_EMAC_BASE     )
+#define LPC_LCD               ((LPC_LCD_TypeDef       *) LPC_LCD_BASE      )
+#define LPC_USB               ((LPC_USB_TypeDef       *) LPC_USB_BASE      )
+#define LPC_GPIO0             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO0_BASE    )
+#define LPC_GPIO1             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO1_BASE    )
+#define LPC_GPIO2             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO2_BASE    )
+#define LPC_GPIO3             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO3_BASE    )
+#define LPC_GPIO4             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO4_BASE    )
+#define LPC_GPIO5             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO5_BASE    )
+#define LPC_EMC               ((LPC_EMC_TypeDef       *) LPC_EMC_BASE      )
+#define LPC_CRC               ((LPC_CRC_TypeDef       *) LPC_CRC_BASE      )
+#define LPC_EEPROM            ((LPC_EEPROM_TypeDef    *) LPC_EEPROM_BASE   )
+#endif  // __LPC407x_8x_177x_8x_H__